Tag: boyfriend

Awkward Questions To Ask A Guy
20 Awkward Questions To Ask A Guy We have all had that moment where we have said something without fully thinking about it first. You know, that foot in the mouth type of thing.  It sounded so good in your head but as soon as it comes out you realize...
hairstyls for thick hair
Long and Short Hairstyles for Thick Hair Rainy days can be a nightmare, and don’t even get started with humidity. Having thick hair isn’t always a walk in the park, we get it. But hey, it’s not all bad. Because as we all know, the grass always looks greener on the...
cheap date ideas
Fun Cheap Date Ideas For Couples It’s that time of year again where we stress and over plan to show that special loved one how much they mean to us. Sure you can buy a 100 roses, wine and dine them before the theater, or take a trip to the mountains, but...
anniversary quotes for him
20 Anniversary Quotes for Him If you' re like me, you love to plan special things for any occasion. That is why I have gathered some of my favorite love quotes that are perfect for any anniversary celebration. Doesn't matter if its your first year or maybe a wedding anniversary, the...
500 days of summer cast
Movies Like 500 Days of Summer Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zoeey Deschanel may both be married (no, not to each other), but we’ll still remember them as Tom and Summer forever. How can we forget the beautiful Smith-loving couple that fell in and then out of love onscreen to our...
random questions to ask your boyfriend
20 Random Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend You know his favorite color, food, and video game, but there is more to a relationship than just that! We’ve come up with a list of 20 fun, serious, and flirtatious questions to help you get to know your boyfriend better and to...
get to know you questions
Getting to Know You Questions and Topics One of the best things about new relationships, wither it be romantic or not, is the getting to know you phase. This is the time you get to feel each other out, ask questions, and just have fun as you get to figure...
does he like me
7 Tips to Knowing He is Into You How to know if a guy likes you? We have all been there before; the awkward guessing game of does he like me or does he just want to be friends. And it is never fun being caught in the heated debate that we all...
cute things to say to your girlfriend
20 Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend Your girlfriend knows you love her, but she also craves hearing you express these feelings to her! Sometimes it can be hard to find the perfect thing to say, so we decided to help you out with this list of super cute...
how to get a guy to notice you
Best Ways to Get a Guy to Notice You Getting a guy to notice you may seem like a daunting task, but it is not that hard if you understand how his mind works. No matter what type of guy he is, the bottom line is that you will capture...

Good Truth or Dare Questions To Ask a Guy

Truth or Dare Questions To Ask a Guy
Good Dares for Truth or Dare Questions Truth or Dare is a great game to get to know your friends and have some fun! Playing Truth or...

Best Starbucks Drinks

Best Starbucks Drinks
25 Best Starbucks Drinks Ever Starbucks has an incredible selection of delicious and unforgettable beverages. On the one hand, this means you will never be disappointed...

Texting Games to Play With a Guy

Texting Games
Games to Play Over Text With a Guy Playing games when it comes to romance usually refers to mind games, but this list is all...

Cute Good Morning Texts for Him

cute good morning text for him
50 Cute Good Morning Texts Messages For Him Sometimes waking up in the morning is not super fun, and all you want to do is...

Best Drugstore Foundation for Dry Skin

Best drugstore foundation for dry skin
12 Fabulous Drugstore Foundations in 2016 If you are like most women, you were not blessed with perfect skin. Even if you were lucky enough to escape...