Revitalash Reviews

revitalash vs flash reviews


Revitalash Advanced Reviews

It’s a tale as old as time, well, as old as we’ve had accounts on Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook. We apply our makeup and are for the most part, pretty happy with the results. Until, you begin scrolling through various social media sites and you start to notice…the lashes!  Whether they’re false, have extensions or that particular person is just blessed with naturally gorgeous lashes, we strive to get our own to look that good. There are many ways to make your eyelashes look longer and thicker but what’s on offer is more often than not, incredibly expensive. So what’s the alternative? Let’s talk about Revitalash

1What is Revitalash?


Possibly the most well-known name in the eyelash serum arena, Revitalash is an eyelash serum that addresses and treats the issues that come with aging, dry and brittle lashes. This product has been designed and perfected over a number of years with the use of natural botanicals and advanced technology that work together to prevent future breakage and to return moisture and flexibility to your lashes. The product retails on the company website at £74 for 2 milliliters which should last you at least 3 months. Application is simple and easy with the thin, soft applicator brush provided within the tube. Revitalash should be used once daily and promises to extend the length of your lashes whilst making them fuller and thicker.

For many, this option is a great deal better than having to apply layers upon layers of mascara, having eyelash extensions or apply false lashes on every single day. These options, though very effective, can become extremely costly overtime and are all a completely temporary fix if you have short or thin lashes. The draw for Revitalash is that instead of providing a false fix, you get to grow your own lashes giving you a much more natural looking appearance. For most, this option is the more attractive one as naturally, you feel you are presenting your own natural beauty, rather than something man-made applied to your lashes for effect. It also eliminates the discomfort that you can often feel with poorly applied falsies or the hassle when your extensions inevitably begin to fall away. Another key selling point for the serum is the fact that it is incredibly easy to use. Often when you have a beauty product that produces results like this, you either have to make appointments to have a treatment or it’s so incredibly expensive that you couldn’t afford it unless you were a Hollywood movie star! We have to say, this is one of the few products on the market that produces genuinely amazing results for a relatively low price point, that truly makes a difference to your everyday appearance.

Yes, you will need to apply the serum daily, if you stop for an extended period of time your lashes are likely to return to their original length and condition and the benefits and improvement to your lashes with ease. However, if you are able to apply the product every 24 hours, you will more than likely begin to see the results within just a few weeks. Some even claim they have noticed a real difference in a matter of days! Of course, as with all products that offer growth or a difference in appearance, every user will have a different experience with a varying outcome.

2Does Revitalash work?

Does Revitalash work?


The short answer is, yes. Yes, the product works. In the sense that the majority of those using the product report significant lash growth, this serum does indeed produces positive results. Like many products, however, those results do vary. Some will see extensive growth, whilst others may notice only a small change in length but will enjoy greater fullness in their lashes. That being said, through all of our research we have yet to find anybody that has used the product and not seen any results at all. Whether it only be by a very minor amount, the majority of those who have purchased and used the product once a day have seen a difference in their appearance.

It’s worth considering before you pay out for any of the serums we are discussing that you take into consideration the reviews of others, particularly those with similar natural lashes to yourself. Those with naturally dark lashes consistently seem to notice a more significant change in the appearance of their lashes. This is mainly due to the fact that they can, of course, be seen naturally quite easily due to their dark color. Those with blonde lashes often say they love the product and can notice a difference themselves, but that they really need to apply a coat of mascara to really appreciate their new lash length and for others to begin noticing the effects of the treatment. As some will be looking to purchase this product so that they can have natural looking lashes, that don’t need daily attention you may want to consider that you’ll likely still need to apply makeup to your eyes if you want to significantly change your appearance.

3Is Revitalash safe?

Is Revitalash safe?


When using Revitalash, some users have reported side effects. Most are not serious, though blurred vision and eye sensitivity have been experienced by some people after use. When using any product that you are applying near your eyes, caution is always advised as eye sensitivity varies from person to person. Those who have had side effects from using Revitalash normally experience itching or soreness on and just above the lash line and a pink or red coloring on the eyelid. More often than not, this is not a serious reaction and doesn’t affect people’s vision. However, if you do feel any irritation or you experience discomfort of any kind, it is always best to cease using the serum. If you already know that you have experienced problems or sensitivity with a lash growth formula, or indeed with any eye cosmetics, you may wish to seek an alternative method of lengthening your lashes.

Of course, when it comes to beauty products, it’s no secret that many of us are willing to go through a little discomfort to look our best. I’m sure heels aren’t always the most comfortable option but we will still often wear them because we like the way that they look and the way they make us feel confident and beautiful. What you really need to consider when purchasing a product like this (and indeed when you’re wearing heels!) is, is this safe for me, and is it worth the health risk for the outcome. As a blanket rule we would suggest that putting your body through any sort of discomfort or risk is not worth it to change your appearance, so if you do experience this with the product, it may just not be for you. Confidence and feeling good about yourself starts from within and you can’t do that if you’re in any discomfort or feeling unwell!

4What is Flash Eyelash Serum?

Flash Eyelash Syrum

Flash Eyelash serum is one of the latest offerings in the lash extension revolution. It’s a conditioning serum that is available at a much more affordable price than most on the market today. Although the tube it comes in is very small, you use such a little amount for each application that 2 milliliters priced at £35.87 is, like Revitalash, said to last you for 3 months, though some say they have managed to extend that to four or five. The product is simple and easy to apply so it’s really a product that anyone can use should they be striving for longer, battable lashes. Flash serum advertises a simple 3 step application process. Step one: simply take the brush applicator from the tube. Step two: run the applicator along your lash line once a day. Step 3: Enjoy as your lashes begin to grow longer and thicker in a matter of weeks. Imagine applying liquid eyeliner, it’s as easy as that except you don’t need to be careful of making a perfect line! The product goes on in a few seconds a dries in just a few minutes. So, an affordable product, super easy to use and the results are supposedly excellent, sounds absolutely perfect right?! Understandably then, the main question on everyone’s minds is, does this wonder product actually work and produce the desired results it claims to?

5Does it Work and is it Safe?

revitalash reviews

The product promises the user “Long, sexy curled lashes fast”. Whether you think this is true or not really depends on what you would class as “fast” results. If you’re looking for something instant, as in you are going out tomorrow night and fancy some extra lash length, your best bet is going to be false lashes as you won’t see instantaneous results from this product. If however, you’re thinking about the long term, this product is perfect for you. A few weeks really isn’t too long to wait for what could potentially be a lifetime of long lashes. It is important to note that most users find that their lashes do stop growing pretty quickly once they stop applying the serum, however, so if you want to keep seeing results, you’ll need to keep applying Flash serum on a daily basis. Much like Revitalash, some have reported some issues whilst using the product. Once again there has been redness along the lash line shortly after application, some tenderness and itching and some say they have experienced rather dry eyes upon waking if they have been applying the serum before going to bed.

6What is Latisse growth serum?


Latisse is a very similar product to both Revitalash and Flash serum however it is available only in the US and Canada. The product does produce similar results to both of the other serums, however, has a much higher price point and is not as widely used as the others.

7Revitalash vs Latisse Growth Serum

Revitalash vs Latisse

These two products though designed for the same outcome do in fact feel like rather different serums. The reason we believe is mainly down to the application of the serum and the ease at which you can apply it. The brush being separate from the serum itself and the bulkier nature of the brush does mean it’s not as easy to apply and doesn’t seem like such a quick and easy process. In addition, although the Latisse serum does produce results, it seems that the outcome from using Revitalash is more often than not, a quicker and more consistent one.

8Revitalash vs Flash Eyelash Serum

revitalash eyelash growth

So, which of these two serums is the best? That’s the real question…

Well, unfortunately, there is no clear answer here! Dependent on the user, the results may be different, however, what we have seen in the majority of results is that Revitalash and Flash Eye serum, in fact, produce a very similar outcome. Comparing before and after results, the length and fullness of lashes after roughly six weeks use with each of the serums are pretty much identical. The size of the product and the packaging, color aside, is very similar and each is applied in the exact same way. Now then, if these two products are this similar and produce barely varying results, how on earth should you decide which is the one for you?! Let’s talk about one huge factor here, as it is with most beauty purchases we make, there will be a consideration of the price point. Both of the serums come in 2 ml sizes, however, the amount we would spend on them differs quite drastically. Flash serum retails just over £35, whereas Revitalash is a much more pricey £72. When you consider that this is a product you could well be using long-term, paying out such a large amount of money every twelve weeks may be a concern for you. In that case, the obvious winner (if this was a competition) would, of course, be the Flash eye serum.



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