20 Questions to Ask a Girl

questions to ask a girl


20 Good Questions to Ask a Girl You Like

Getting to know someone can take years, but playing 20 questions with a girl is a great way to learn a lot about her in a fast and fun way. If you have always wanted to ask her more about herself, but haven’t figured out a good way to do it, playing 20 questions is the perfect way to get started without any pressure! Below are our top 20 picks for the best questions to ask a girl!

1What makes your best friend so special to you?

This is a great question if you want to know how to get a girl to like you. So why this is a great question to ask her: A great way to get to know someone is to find out about the people they keep close to them. Asking her about her best friend will give you insight into what she values in a friend.

2If you had to choose only 5 words to describe yourself, what would they be?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Although you may have your impressions of her, it is always interesting to hear how people would describe themselves. She may be curious about what words you would use to describe her, so be prepared to come up with some adjectives!

3What is your biggest regret and what lessons did you take away from this experience?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is that people learn from their mistakes and improve as people. Asking her about her biggest regret is a great way to learn about what has impacted her and shaped her to be the person she is today.

4What is your biggest fear and have you ever been forced to confront it?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Whether she is afraid of clowns or rejection, everyone has an enormous fear that humbles them. Finding out her biggest fear helps you to understand her on a deeper level. Plus, if she has had to confront this fear before, it can be interesting to hear how she describes the way she dealt with it.

5Who is your biggest celebrity crush of all time?

Why this is a great question to ask her: She may be embarrassed to admit her celebrity crush, but she definitely has one. If she’s hesitant to tell you, you should consider telling her yours to help her feel more comfortable.

6Who would you describe as your hero?

Why this is a great question to ask her: When you ask her who her hero is, you will learn about what qualities she values and the values she strives to emulate. This is a great question to learn about what she thinks is important in life.

7What is the earliest memory you have?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Early memories can be hazy and sometimes it’s strange what the mind holds on to. Regardless of what her first memory is, it can be cool to take a stroll down memory lane with her! Plus, a lot of times early memories are quite funny so you will definitely enjoy asking this question!

8When was the last time you remember feeling deeply embarrassed?

Why this is a great question to ask her: If this memory is painful for her to think about, make sure to keep the situation light-hearted. Everyone gets embarrassed sometimes, so make sure she knows you won’t judge her no matter what her story is and that you just want to share a laugh with her!

9Where would you go if you could hop on a plane right now and visit anywhere in the world?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Even if you’re happy where you’re living, everyone has a place they’d love to visit if they had the opportunity to. This is a great conversation starter and you can have fun enjoying a chat about your dream vacations! Also, if you guys share a dream destination, maybe you could talk about going on a trip together.

10What is your favorite TV show and why do you like it?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Someone’s favorite TV show can reveal a lot about them, their sense of humor, and their interests. If you have never watched this show, you should ask her what she likes about it and maybe you will find a new show that you want to check out!

11What is your favorite physical feature?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Girls can be very hard on themselves about their looks, so this question is a nice way to encourage her to think positively about herself. If she has trouble identifying one, she will love if you point one out for her!

12What 3 things would you purchase for yourself if you had unlimited money?

Why this is a great question to ask her: You can learn a lot about her by finding out what she would purchase if money weren’t an issue. Plus, this is a great way to fish for present ideas if her birthday is coming up! That’s why this is also a good questions to ask your girlfriend if you want to buy her something and not sure what  she’d like.

13What qualities do you look for in a guy you would consider dating?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Whether or not you are interested in dating her, finding out what a girl looks for in a guy is always a fascinating insight into what she thinks is important in a mate!

14Do you prefer hand-made gifts or items that you asked someone to buy you?

Why this is a great question to ask her: There’s no good or bad answer to this question, but it will help you learn more about her either way. If she says hand-made, it may be cool to ask her more about the gift and what made it so special!

15Do you think you are more like your mom or dad?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Especially if you’ve met her parents before, it can be interesting to hear what her opinion on this subject is and if her answer matches up with your assessment! If she has a different answer than you expected, ask her to elaborate more on why she answered the way she did!

16If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be and why?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Even if you are totally happy with your life, it can be fun to imagine what it would be like to be someone else for a day! This question will probably result in an interesting answer that will help you to learn a lot more about her.

17What does your perfect date look like from start to finish?

Why this is a great question to ask her: It’s always interesting to learn about what other people think makes a great date. Especially if you are hoping to ask her out one day or know someone who is planning to, it is definitely good to know what kind of date she would enjoy the most!

18Do you prefer to be open with your feelings or do you prefer to keep them to yourself?

Why this is a great question to ask her: Sometimes people who act like extroverts are actually very private and guarded with their true feelings. If she says she likes to be open with her feelings, you know that she will probably be a great person to talk to if you ever want to have a heart to heart with someone!

19What was your favorite childhood game?

Why this is a great question to ask her: This is a great question that will result in a fun blast from the past for both of you! If you have any funny stories or memories about playing this game, she would probably love to hear them!

20Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Why this is a great question to ask her: This is a great question if you want to start a longer conversation. Most people have a lot of opinions on the topic, whether they have any personal anecdotes or not. At the end of the day, nothing can be proved about supernatural happenings, so try to avoid getting in a heated argument if your opinions differ from one another’s!

If you want to learn more about her, playing 20 questions is a great way to get to know a girl. Sometimes coming up with good questions to ask your crush can be difficult, so we hope that you were able to find some good ideas on this list of 20 questions to ask a girl! Remember, 20 questions doesn’t need to be super formal or adhere to the number 20 specifically. Odds are, if you have extra questions that come up, she won’t refuse to answer just because you passed 20!



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