Good Instagram Captions for Selfies

good Instagram Captions


Good Captions for Instagram Selfies

If you happen to snag an amazing selfie while getting ready for your day, or while you’re out at your favorite coffee shop, then you definitely need a great caption to go along with it! That’s why we compiled a list of some good Instagram captions for selfies that will give your post the perfect amount of flair!

1Happy Lil’ Thang IG Quote

Are you just one happy little girl? Do you want people to know how cute and happy you are? Then this simple caption is perfect for your happy lil’ self(ie).

2Lost In My Thoughts

Maybe your selfie has you looking off in the distance and daydreaming. This caption would be ideal for an image like that. Or, maybe you just want to be a little mysterious!

3All I Do Instagram Quote

This caption is great for the girl who loves food and does not care who knows! Take a selfie at In-and-Out or the taco shop around the block. Whatever fuels you!

4Finessing IG Caption

Finesse is a great word! And, it’ll definitely draw some attention on your Instagram profile. Drop this caption on there to get all eyes on you and your selfie!

5Roll My Eyes Instagram Quote

There are some people who are just soooooo….yesterday. If there is someone like that in your life and you want to low-key call them out, then put this caption on your hot selfie.

6Anxiety Quote Instagram Caption

As girls, we all get a little anxious sometimes. But, sometimes we are flooded with anxiety and the only way to deal with it is humor. That’s where this quote comes in handy.

7My Attitude Quote

Sometimes people hold energy much bigger than they are! And, those people should be totally proud. So, why not put this as your caption to pay tribute to your bubbling presence.

8Feelings Off Instagram Caption

Ugh, feelings can definitely get in the way sometimes. Wouldn’t it be so convenient to just turn them off? We definitely need to talk to Alexa and get something invented.

9Be A Badass Quote

Feeling confident and good about your selfie after you take a totally smoking selfie is the best. So, use this caption to show everyone how confident you are!

10Drink Some Coffee Quote

Coffee is like confidence in a mug. You don’t always have to know what you are doing in life, but coffee will surely help you feel comfortable doing anything!

11My Outfit Funny Quote For Instagram

Stress doesn’t look good on anyone. So, find a rocking outfit and drop the stress because it could make you look ten years older. And, nobody wants that.

12Life Is Better Instagram Caption

Laughter greatly improves quality of life. So, spend more days laughing than scowling and learn to find the good in every situation. Trust us, smiling really does boost your mood instantly!

13Can’t Do It Quote

This funny Instagram caption is perfect for the amateur athlete who is really trying. If you are starting a fitness journey and showcasing it on Insta, definitely steal this caption!

14Eat A Brownie Quote

Chocolate can solve almost any bad day! Whether you failed a test, broke up with your partner, or it’s just rainy and you’re feeling lousy; get out that brownie mix and start baking!

15Eat Like No One Quote

You should never feel ashamed about breaking your diet or having an extra cookie. Food was meant to be enjoyed. And, if you believe this, then this caption is perfect for you!

16Pretty Rough Instagram Caption

Life can get exhausting. Sometimes, just being out of bed all day can seem like a triathlon. If your day was similar and you have a selfie to prove it, use this quote.

17Home IG Quote

There is nothing better than being free and at home and having your bra off! It is the first step to the ultimate daily wind-down. There is nothing cozier!

18Just Wing It Instagram Caption

Planning everything can be tiring. So, why not just wing it? Seriously, you do it with your eyeliner, why not do it with your social life and work routine?

19Hint Of Kanye IG Quote

It’s a good trait to be humble, but sometimes you just have to show everyone that you love yourself too. It’s a sign of self-respect to show yourself how much you appreciate yourself!

20Tell Your Dog Quote

This caption is perfect for the Instagram dog-lovers out there. And there are so many! Who can blame them, though? Dogs really are kinder than people!

21I Want To Be Quote for IG

22A Bucket List Instagram Caption

23She Is The Loudest Quote

24Soul On Fleek Quote

25One Day IG Quote

26Live It Twice Quote

27Confidence Level Instagram Caption

28Too Blessed Quote

29Life Is Beautiful Quote

30Real Is Rare Quote

31From My Mama Quote

32Hot In Psychotic

33The Same Stars Quote

34Light My Way

35Focus On What Matters Quote

3650 Shades Instagram Caption


These good captions for Instagram selfies are all completely different; Which is perfect because every selfie is unique! Some selfies are silly and funny and then some are meant to be beautiful and deep. This list will help you find the caption that fits just right with your special selfie.

Some of these selfie captions have to do with the girl who loves to eat. I mean, we all love food! But, this girl has no shame in telling the world that her diet is on the back burner and she is loving herself! Go ahead, girl, treat yourself to that extra brownie. You deserve it!

Other quotes on this list have to do with being confident, which, of course, always pairs well with a selfie posted on Instagram. Being confident is a key factor in posting a selfie for all of your followers to see. And, it’s also a great quality to have in life. You will get much more accomplished if you are confident in yourself.

Then there are quotes meant to be funny and happy. If that is what you are looking to display as your Insta personality, then those are the captions that you should be focusing on. Being carefree is attractive, so hype it up!


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