25 Vegan Starbucks Drinks
Sticking to a vegan lifestyle can sometimes be challenging, especially when eating out. Even just heading to the local coffee shop can turn into a check-list of what you can’t have. Fortunately for us, Starbucks has made life easier on vegans, or people with dietary restrictions with their customizable drinks. Soy, almond, coconut milk… there are so many vegan options! These drinks are loved by vegans everywhere, and even if you’re not a vegan, you should definitely try one of these delicious Starbucks drinks!
1Black Americano
The black Americano is well renowned by Starbucks, if there is a drink you HAVE to try at least once, it is their darkest coffee. Obviously, a black Americano doesn’t contain dairy, making it a safe option for those vegan girls out there. This drink has other advantages – it will wake you up and make you feel ready to face the day. Result!
2Soy Mocha Frappuccino
3Soy Hazelnut Latte
4Green Tea Frappuccino
5Clover Brewed Coffee
Clover Brewed Coffee is the wake up call you will need. Everything from its aroma to its taste will make it an out of this world experience. You will never have tasted a coffee so good. And what makes it even better is that it is vegan-friendly. Ask for a black Clover Brewed Coffee for that much-needed boost.
6Soy Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino
A cheeky chocolate treat can still be enjoyed even as a vegan. Exchange dairy milk for soy, and make sure you stay off the whipped cream. Mocha, used to substitute chocolate in several Starbucks recipes is totally vegan and mint sugar gives you a subtle minty hint to make the drink sweet but refreshing.
7Matcha Lemonade
8Violet Drink
9Pink Drink
The world’s most instagrammable drink is vegan, ladies! When you are vegan, it is easy to steer clear of your favorites, thinking they are out of reach, but you shouldn’t turn your back on Starbucks’ most famous beverages. The Pink Drink unites acai, passion fruit and coconut milk for a fruity and of course, pink, concoction. Fancy a cup?
10Chocolate Smoothie
11Strawberries And Crème Frappuccino
12Shaken Sweet Tea Lemonade
13Green Tea Creme Frappuccino
14Teavana Iced Oprah Cinnamon Chai Tea Latte
15Classic Hot Chocolate
We can see ourselves in the safe and sound, tucked away from the snow, with this luscious drink. Mocha syrup is used so you don’t feel guilty, just ask them to swap dairy for soy, it is as simple as that! You may not be able to have the whipped cream, but treat yourself to the chocolate flavored-drizzle to finish off the drink.
16Strawberry Smoothie
17Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher
18Iced Caramel Macchiato
19Iced Coconutmilk Mocha
20Raspberry Soy Latte
Spice up your standard soy latte with this twist. Customize your soy lattes with raspberry, hazelnut, caramel or cinnamon dolce syrups, that are all vegan, for a sweeter taste. Surprisingly enough, soy and raspberry make a tasty duo and will be a perfect compromise between your smoothie or coffee dilemmas.
21Cinnamon Almondmilk Macchiato
Not only do Starbucks offer soy milk, almond milk is a brand new alternative for vegan customers. It is a mix of their Espresso Roast, along with almond milk and cinnamon dolce syrup, giving your espresso a sweeter aftertaste with a lingering taste of almond. Even with the toppings, the drink is only 190 calories, which means that you can sip on this sugary treat guilt-free!
22Ombré Pink Drink
The Ombré Pink Drink is THE drink for the girls who get lost in thought in their Starbucks whilst taking photos of their drinks. Yes, we know who you are! It is a fruity and refreshing drink – ideal for the summer or after a long work out – that contains lime, coconut milk and Teavana’s Shaked Iced Passion Tango for a hint of floral perfume. At only 100 calories, you can’t really go wrong with this drink!
23Unicorn Drink
Everyone has raved about this drink and it has been the face of many Facebook publications, but can it really be vegan? The truth is that it isn’t, but you can change up the ingredients and make it your own. Ask your barista to change the dairy milk for soy milk or coconut milk, which will make it less sour, which is ideal if you are apprehensive about the sourness of this drink.
24Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Chocolate and banana are our favorite combination of all time, and just because you are vegan, doesn’t mean they are out of bounds! Again, the chocolate is, in fact, vegan mocha flavored sauce, you just need to ask your barista to swap dairy milk for one of their vegan-friendly alternatives! Go on, treat yourself!
25Hot Earl Grey Tea With Cold Soy Milk
26Pike Place Roast
This is black coffee at its finest. Nothing can beat a Starbucks Pike Place Roast! It is rich, smooth yet will make you feel ready for the day to come. If you need a pick me up, whether it is first thing in the morning or after a bad day, this is the drink for you! Plus, at only 5 calories, it is healthy too!