Romantic Things To Do For Your Boyfriend

romantic things to do for your boyfriend


20 Romantic Things To Do With Your Boyfriend

Our boyfriends shower us with sweet kisses, hang out with our friends and family even when they don’t want to, and do a million other things that are conventionally and unconventionally romantic. But, how often do we girls think to return the favor? Being romantic doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or break your bank. It’s the little things that make an impact in strong relationships, and because this is a list of little things they will be easy to repeat and easy to combine. Check this list of romantic and cute things to do for your boyfriend.

1Cute things to do for your boyfriend: Rub His Shoulders

I wouldn’t suggest interrupting his video game with a spontaneous back rub, that might not turn out well… video games are serious stuff you know! However, If you are relaxing on the couch or laying by the pool tell him to sit in front of you and massage his neck and shoulders. I can guarantee this small gesture will be appreciated and he will ask you to do it again. It also gives you a reason to make physical contact with him without being clingy.

2Surprise him with his favorite snack

Thinking about romantic gifts for him? You just can’t go wrong with food. Period. Surprise him at work or school with his favorite chips and drink. You could even sneak it into the bag he takes to work and text him later to check the front pocket.

3On that note… Bake his favorite sweet

Baking is sexy and most men have a sweet tooth. Cakes, brownies, cookies… you know what he loves! Be sure to make them yourself, do not buy something at the store. Even if they aren’t as good, the work you put in will outshine the burning you can do.

4Pamper Yourself

I know this one sounds crazy, but our guys love to show us off. If you know you will be running errands all day with him make sure your hair and make up are on point. Don’t wear something that will make you uncomfortable, but wear those “a little to tight” pants and a slightly lower cut top. If you are looking your best he will feel great about himself. He will not be able to keep his hands off you!

5Don’t Take Your Hands Off Him

Not literally… you can take your hands off him, but do the reverse of the previous tip. When he looks sexy tell him and touch him! Let him know he looks good. (One thing I do that my boyfriend loves is hold his arm when he rests his elbow in the car while he is driving! If he is maneuvering through tough traffic though, be catious doing this.)

6Nerf Gun War

We have seen the pictures all over the internet of the Nerf Gun left with a note saying “Let the battle begin! – XOXO.”  This may not sound romantic to most girls, but think about how much your man would LOVE this! Sure, it isn’t a candle lit dinner, but it will be a memory you both will never forget.

7Send Sexy Texts

Sending him a string of sexy texts throughout the day will help you build up for a romantic evening (see next). This one can also work if you are away from each other for a while. Keep that spark lit even when you can’t be together. Sending your boyfriend a somewhat risky text while he is at work or in class can make his day.

8Have a meal on the table when he gets home

This is an old school idea that has gone out of style, but I think it’s time we bring it back. Walking in to his favorite meal on the table or in the oven will make his mouth water and not only for the food. It is easy to make this one even more romantic by lighting some candles and popping the cork on a bottle of wine.

952 Reasons You Love Him

This idea surfaced on Pinterest a few years ago: buy a deck of cards and write a reason you love him on every card. You can put them back in the box or punch a hole in a corner and tie it together with a ribbon. It is a sweet keep sake he can look at for years to come.

10Decorate his apartment/house

They wont do it themselves, so do it for him cheaply! You can buy curtains, lamps, and picture frames at your local Walmart or discount store. You don’t have to go overboard or decorate his entire house. Just a few basic items can make a place feel so homey.

11Pay for dinner and the movie

Men typically pay for the dates, but if you are in a long-standing relationship take some of the financial pressure off him! This also shows you are an independent woman who loves to treat her man to date nights and who likes to take care of her man too. Be his sugar momma… even if it is only for a $20 movie!

12Make Photo Album

You may have dozens of photos of the two of you all over Facebook and Instagram, but nothing compares to a photo album he can hold. Printing pictures can be done online and they can be delivered to your mailbox for just pennies per picture. Framing a few of your favorites isn’t a bad idea either. Put one on his bedside table so he can fall asleep looking at you every night. Awe!

13Get out of town

Just for a few hours. Drive somewhere you can see the stars, layout a blanket, relax, and enjoy. Cuddling beneath the starts is my definition of romantic. A local park could also work as well, but getting away from the city lights is best because you can also escape the city noises.

14Do his dishes

Men just flat out hate doing dishes, all of the ones I’ve met anyway. It never fails, when I am standing at the sink scrubbing day old, dried on food off my boyfriends plates he will come up behind me, wrap his arms around my waist, and tell me he loves me. You won’t look good doing it, but he will see you as the most amazing girl he has ever met.

15String up some Christmas lights

String up some Christmas lights around your/his bed, grab a few extra pillows, and your laptop. This will be one fancy Netflix and Chill, and when you move on to the “chill” it will be a very romantic setting.

16Go for a walk

If you’re looking for cute things to do with your boyfriend, just find the nearest, prettiest park and take a stroll. Plan to go in the evening when the sun is setting. You can walk hand in hand down the sidewalk watching the sunset and whispering sweet nothings to each other. I personally like parks with swing sets because it is one of the few things adults can still do on a playground!  Escape back to your much younger years for awhile, I promise you wont regret it.

17Crack a Cold One With Him

If you are both of drinking age, of course! As the saying goes, you marry your best friend, so be a friend. If drinking with his buddies is something he enjoys, give it a try! It could turn into your new Friday night ritual. If you’re into fun things to do with your boyfriend, that’s definitely an option!

18Clean His House

He will love you forever… promise! This also can just be the little things if you don’t want to go full fledge maid. Scrub his sink, organize is bathroom shelf or sweep his floor. You don’t have to rent an industrial carpet cleaner for heavens sake!

19Write him a letter

How to tell your boyfriend you love him? You can always write him a love letter. I personally do this one all of the time and my boyfriend loves it! I write about favorite memories we share together, why I love him, and anything else sweet I can think to write. They are never grammatically correct or even that good, but he has kept every letter I have ever written him. If hand written letters seem a little to much, random sweet emails are great too!

20Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Tell him to get in the car and that he has no choice. Drive him to the first spot you met him and tell him what you thought the first time you saw him. Drive him to the first place he kissed you and tell him what you where thinking then. Continue this trip going to memorable places in your relationship.



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