How To Not Be Tired

how to not be tired

How To Not Be Tired

It’s the great problem that humanity aims to solve every day; the elusive end-all, be-all solution that’s worth millions. How can we stay more awake during the day instead of falling victim to the fogginess and lethargy of being tired? With the amount of things we want to achieve in only 24 hours a day, it’s only logical that we optimize our completion rate by taking measures to have more energy throughout the day. Here are 12 tips and strategies to reduce the feeling of exhaustion and instead, make you feel even more active in your daily routine.

1Know Your Ideal Number of Hours of Sleep

As obvious as this tip is, it’s the most important and is often overlooked or undervalued in the quest for staying energized throughout the day. Each person is a bit different in the amount of hours they need to sleep or the hours at which they fall asleep and wake up. By knowing that you function the best with a certain number of hours a night, you’re more inclined to use them. It’s easy to put off the necessity of sleep in order to get work done or to get ahead for the next day, but sleep is not something that can be sacrificed without consequences. Skipping sleep repeatedly can lead to sleep deprivation, a condition that can lead to fatigue, clumsiness, and decreased cognition. So really, when you want to know how to stay awake and alert throughout the day, the cardinal rule is to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep to begin with. Instead of viewing sleep as a formality and not essential, plan your day with the intention of getting enough sleep to function the next.

2Find Your Favorite Tea

Tea is such a versatile beverage to take advantage of when dealing with sleep because there are kinds that can aid your sleep cycle as well as other types that give you more energy to stay awake. Tea is a healthier alternative to coffee due to its reduced amount of caffeine content. For example, a cup of matcha tea contains 34 mg of caffeine, about one-third a cup of coffee, but keeps energy levels up for 3-6 hours. Included among matcha’s long list of benefits is the amino acid L-Theanine, which David Mandelbaum and Jessica Lloyd, matcha tea advocates, describe as providing the feeling of a “calm alertness.” If you have trouble falling asleep at night, a cup of Chamomile or Valerian tea can go a long way in providing nighttime relief.

3Find Time To Exercise

Exercise is a fantastic way to keep your sleep cycle on track or gain more energy throughout the day so that you are not tired when you need to be on your game. According to a University of Georgia study involving more than 6,800 people, exercise is proven to be a better natural energizer and sleep regulator than some medications. If you exercise regularly each day, you will be able to have higher brain functioning and experience energy surges after your workouts. Don’t exercise too close to bedtime, as you will stay up late because of your increased energy. Figure out the best time to exercise each day for yourself so that you can maximize the amount of work that you get done.

4Watch Your Diet

What you eat plays a major role in how you feel each day. While sweet foods such as candy and dessert taste really good, the sugar high is only subject to the crash, where you feel even less energetic than before. And while salads are mega healthy, don’t run away from carbs. Carbohydrates are complex sugars that, when broken down, provide huge amounts of energy for your body. Don’t let the fear of the word prevent you from eating them—they are healthy for you in moderate amounts. Essentially, eat a balanced diet in order to feel your best. Water should be a large part of your diet as well because it removes toxins from your body. Do research on the water brand that you use; some brands contain beneficial additions such as minerals that can help improve your overall health.

5Stress-Relief Activities

Finding small things to do throughout the day that you really enjoy can allow your brain to rest from the hard critical thinking you were doing either at work or in school. Activities like sudoku, coloring books, or rewatching favorite shows are enjoyable hobbies that your brain can do easily and take your mind off of the stressors of the day. Once you are no longer overwhelmed by the bustle of a work day, you’ll be surprised at how much pep in your step you have and how much more focus you have in the rest of your day’s work.

6Take A Shower

There is much controversy over the effects that showers have on a person’s alertness. There’s no question that a warm shower makes everyone feel more relaxed, but some claim that it wakes them up, while others experience tiredness. According to the Business Insider, the trick to becoming more awake is to follow your normal shower routine, then turn the nozzle to its coldest temperature for 30 seconds. Succeed that process with the nozzle at the highest temperature for 30 seconds. Lastly, end with another 30-second cold spell. This “increases blood flow, opens up the capillaries, and also provides an all-around sense of stimulation.”


Giving yourself a hand and finger, scalp, neck, or shoulder massage throughout the day can lead to being more relaxed and alert. Taking yourself away from your work to do this allows you to focus on something very simple and also self-rewarding. By giving yourself attention throughout the day, you are more aware of your surroundings and are less likely to succumb to fatigue or boredom.

8Keep Moving Throughout the Day

It’s easy to become stagnant and bored when you stay in the same place the whole day, which leads to tiredness. If for you that’s a desk, take breaks to walk outside to get a breath of fresh air and a change of scenery. While outside, take time to stretch any parts of you that are sore and take deep breaths to use your walk as a relaxation exercise. When you return to your office or school area, you’ll be surprised at how much your head has cleared up, making you much more prepared to take on the day.

9Plan A Power Nap

Napping is a lost art that many consider reserved for infants and college students. However, giving yourself a power nap is actually incredibly helpful in overcoming exhaustion and allows you to be refreshed during strenuous and long days. A full sleep cycle is 90 minutes long, and there are several stages of it before a full cycle is completed. Giving yourself a 10-20 minute nap will aid in boosting your energy and alertness. You will be within stage 1 of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep which will allow you to wake up without feeling groggy.

10Be Organized

Being organized has a dramatic effect on how quickly you exhaust yourself throughout the day. If you are prepared for the day and have made a plan on how to get your work done, you will be more fit to get it done. However, if you are disorganized and are working without a schedule, you are more likely to become overwhelmed and fatigued at how much you are behind. Go into the day knowing the specifics of how you are going to accomplish your agenda.

11Tap Your Thymus

The thymus gland is located in the middle of the chest just behind the upper region of the breastbone. By tapping, or “thumping,” your thymus for 20 seconds while taking deep breaths, you are activating T-Lymphocyte Cells which are critical to the immune system. Results of this include an increase in energy, strength, and vitality. While it may seem a bit silly, making this a daily habit can lead to a prolonged sense of balance and tranquility. The repetitiveness of this action equates to a meditation, allowing you to take the time to feel more calm and centered.

12Listen To Upbeat Music

Pull up the ’08 Billboard charts for some killer throwbacks that are sure to bring some much-needed energy into your day. Whether it’s because you’re dancing or you’re surprised at how easily your brain recalls all the lyrics, music is an efficient way to make yourself more awake with an influx of energy. You can also put on your favorite music when in dire need of some stress-relief. Stress is a lot like a sky full of clouds. It takes up your whole day and won’t go away to the point where you’re extremely overwhelmed. However, above the clouds, it’s always sunny. Listening to upbeat music can be your life’s plane ride so that there’s not a cloud in the sky.

What are some ways that you combat fatigue? Leave a comment below!



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