Funny Birthday Quotes

Funny Birthday Quote


Happy Birthday Funny Quotes

Do you have someone you need to wish a happy birthday to? If so, then you obviously want to make it funny! I mean, what’s better than a funny happy birthday quote? Read on to find the perfect funny birthday quote from this compilation. We guarantee you will have your special person cracking up! And, there is no better gift than the gift of laughter!

1As You Will Be

It’s always good to look on the bright side of things. Yeah, you may be old this year, but at least you are not as old as you will be next year. Life is all about perspective!

2I’d Sniff You First

There is nothing funnier than letting your friends know how old they really are on their birthdays. Especially, if they do the same to you! So, compare them to some expired milk and watch them chuckle!

3Live The Longest

It’s the truth that people who have the most birthdays live the longest! So, really you should be happy to celebrate another one, even if you are feeling older by the year!

4For My Body

When you start getting birthday cards from the funeral home, that’s when you know you are getting old! However, don’t be alarmed! I am sure you have a lot more life in you!

5A Head Start

It’s nice having a lover or a friend that is growing old with you, but doing it at a faster rate than you. Having someone older in your life can make you feel young forever.

6LVL 80’s Funny Birthday Quote

Using the term ‘levels’ instead of ‘age’ would really help with older people’s self-esteem. I mean, really, they’re achy and miserable, can’t we at least make getting older sound cooler?

7All Of The Work Birthday Quote

Mothers really did do all the work on the day you were born. So, shouldn’t we be celebrating the moms that gave us life? Consider sending her a card at least. Maybe this one!

8Birthdays Are Like Boogers Quote

Ain’t it the truth that birthdays are like boogers? The more you have the harder it is to breathe. Maybe for different reasons, but it’s all the same. Good luck!

9Something Super Hot

We all consider ourselves the ultimate birthday present. But, we don’t fit in the mailbox too well and postage would be really expensive. A card might be a better choice!

10You Go First

It’s nice to have friends that are older than you. That way, you can feel like the youngin’ in the group and tease your friends for their gray hair and wrinkles! In a loving way, of course.

11Today Is Funny Bday Quote

In life, you have to look at things in a different perspective sometimes in order to bring the positivity to the forefront. Yes, today is the oldest you’ve ever been, but it’s the youngest you’ll ever be again, so live it up!

12Two Secrets

Not everyone is a gift-giver on birthdays! It gets expensive and some people are just super hard to shop for. So, share this quote with them instead. It will definitely make them laugh.

13Blah Blah Blah Funny Quote

We are celebrating a birthday! So, obviously wine is the only thing that matters. Forget the card and show up with a bottle or two for your special friend!

14I’m Not Old Birthday Quote

Old age is a mindset. Your age should not determine how you feel or act. So, if you are turning 86 today and you feel like going to the playground, then go! And, swing as high as you can!

15New Skills Quote

It’s always good to look on the bright side of things. Yeah, you may be getting old, but you are still learning new skills. With old age comes new forms of multi-tasking. Feel free to brag!

16A Grain Of Salt Funny Quote

Some birthdays require a drink. But, all birthdays are better with a drink. Especially, a margarita. And, girl, it’s your birthday so feel free to have two!

17Very Inappropriate

Age and behavior do not always correlate. Age is just a number, and especially when it’s your birthday, feel free to NOT act your age. No one will be bitter! It’s your day.

18No Numbers

That 30 mark is a really hard one to handle. It when you start to feel like you are going over the hill. No more fun and lots of achy mornings! But, does it really have to be that way?

19Lower Than Your Grass Skirt

We all know that when we get older our coconuts start to hang low. But, hopefully they will stay above our grass skirts so we can keep on hulaing!

20Funny Birthday Cake Quote

This quote is perfect for the friend who loves the perfect setup to a joke! Of course, it’s also a great way to let your friend know that they’re getting old. As if they needed the reminder!

21Balloons Are So Weird

22A Unicorn Funny Quote

23Second Favorite

24The Biggest Pain

25Today I turn 30 Birthday Quote

26You Got Old

27Old Bitch Funny Birthday Quote

28Age-Related Jokes

29Yung No Mo

30Google Birthday Quote

31Wine For Your Birthday Quote

32More Than The Cake Quote

33Make It All Better

34Congratulations Funny Quote

35Good Times

36Break More Easily

37I Don’t Mind Getting Old

38Getting Lit

39Funny Eat Cake Birthday Quote

40Another 365 Days

41Like A Fine Wine


Funny happy birthday quotes are the perfect way to celebrate your favorite people’s birthdays! I mean, what is better than the gift of laughter? And, the best part? It’s totally free, so you don’t have to spend oodles of money!

Some of these funny happy birthday quotes have to do with old age. I mean, naturally! It’s the easiest way to make fun of your friends who are turning a year older. And, it’s especially nice when they are older than you. Because, then, even when it’s your turn to be teased, you can still hit them with the “well, at least I’m not as old as you!” line.

Some of these other quotes discuss the importance of a nice strong drink on your birthday. Sometimes, birthdays are tough. Especially the big ones – like 30! And, hey, girl, it’s your birthday, so don’t feel any regrets having a few too many cocktails. We have all been there!

Then there are quotes that talk about looking on the bright side of things. Like, hey, maybe you are getting older, but this is the youngest you are ever going to be again, so don’t let this day go to waste! Living in the moment is important to having a happy life. AND happy birthdays!


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