30 Short Haircuts For Teenage Girls
Short Hairstyles for Teens Perhaps your hair is on the shorter side and you're looking for an updated look, or maybe you're trying to decide whether you should go for the chop. Either can be daunting, especially if your hair has always been long. Regardless of your need for inspiration...
30 Triangle Tattoos
Triangle Tattoo Meaning And Ideas Choosing a tattoo design is an incredibly personal decision, you’ll want to make sure it’s a word or image that you absolutely adore and want to live with forever because once it’s on, it’s on for good! Now that the days of anchors and tribal...
40 Inspiring Girl Power Quotes In a world so full of desperation and aggression, it is so easy to feel deflated and hopeless. People don’t take the time to slow down and think about how their words or actions may affect other people, and you’re often left confused and lacking...
30 Cute Couple Photos
Super Cute Couple Pics There's nothing quite like spending quality time with your loved one and thankfully, in this world of smart phone's, Go Pro's, Polaroid's and just about every other type of camera imaginable, we can record those extra special moments whenever we wish! Take a look at this...
best mac lipsticks
Mac Lipstick Colors and Lipstick Shades When it comes to lipstick, no other brand can seemingly compare to MAC. The boldness and confidence that a tube of MAC lipstick provides are truly incomparable to any other cosmetic brand. The main reason MAC seems to stay on top of the food...
bae quotes
50 Sweet, Funny and Cute Bae Quotes There ain't no one that can compare to Bae. This is the person that can make you smile when you're feeling down, make you laugh when you least feel like laughing, and makes you feel like you are the very best version of...
35 Hot Pink Nails Trying to find new and colorful nail art designs can be a struggle. Trying to think of original ideas is time-consuming, especially in summer. Bored of the same old colors? Have you ever thought about pink? It may seem like a typical Barbie color but it...
How to Get Rid Of Pores
How To Get Rid Of Clogged Pores On Your Face When applying your foundation do you look in the mirror and wonder, “why doesn't my skin look silky smooth like everyone's on TV or my insta feed?!”. If so, we bet you've always wanted to get rid of those pesky...
Anniversary Gifts for Her
30 Anniversary Ideas And Gifts for Her If you’re reading this article, congratulations are in order: you’re about to count another year with an awesome lady, or maybe your first year. It’s a great feeling, and an important milestone, so you want an anniversary gift to be special: it should...
best Nail designs for Short Nails
Best Nail Color for Short Nails | Nail Designs For Short Nails All over social media, we are all pretty envious of the nail-goals photos posted on Twitter or Tumblr. Designs online don't only seem unobtainable but also impractical for everyday situations, as the nails always are super long and...

Good Truth or Dare Questions To Ask a Guy

Truth or Dare Questions To Ask a Guy
Good Dares for Truth or Dare Questions Truth or Dare is a great game to get to know your friends and have some fun! Playing Truth or...

Best Starbucks Drinks

Best Starbucks Drinks
25 Best Starbucks Drinks Ever Starbucks has an incredible selection of delicious and unforgettable beverages. On the one hand, this means you will never be disappointed...

Texting Games to Play With a Guy

Texting Games
Games to Play Over Text With a Guy Playing games when it comes to romance usually refers to mind games, but this list is all...

Cute Good Morning Texts for Him

cute good morning text for him
50 Cute Good Morning Texts Messages For Him Sometimes waking up in the morning is not super fun, and all you want to do is...

Best Drugstore Foundation for Dry Skin

Best drugstore foundation for dry skin
12 Fabulous Drugstore Foundations in 2016 If you are like most women, you were not blessed with perfect skin. Even if you were lucky enough to escape...