Happy Birthday For Him: 50 Birthday Wishes For Your Boyfriend

birthday wishes for boyfriend

Happy Birthday For Him: 50 Birthday Wishes For Your Boyfriend

We get it, sometimes, putting how you feel for a guy as special as your boyfriend into words can be difficult. Someone’s birthday can be the perfect time to show them how you feel for them, but the perfect gift still isn’t worth a thousand words. Whether you’ve been together for a few months or a few decades, your boyfriend’s got another candle on the cake and deserves to know how much he means to you. You’d want him to do the same for you if it was your special day right? So we’ve compiled a list of 50 Birthday WIshes For Your Boyfriend, so that you can get it out there how much you love and appreciate him on his special day.

1The Sweet

A sweet little birthday wish can always bring a smile to your loved one’s face. Here are some dreamy sayings to summon a smile on a special day.

Happy birthday! The best day of my life was the day I met you, I hope this birthday is the best day of yours.

All I want is for you to be happy. Have an awesome and magical day, I love you forever. Happy birthday!

It’s been clear from the start, that you’re the one who owns my heart. Happy Birthday to the best boyfriend ever!

2The Grateful

You know just how privileged you are to have this boy to call your own. Let him know with a thankful, grateful gift of words.

Even though it’s your birthday, I’m the lucky one because I have an amazing man like you in my life. Have the happiest birthday yet!
Happy birthday! Sharing my life with you was the best decision I’ve ever made, and I’m grateful for every moment.
I’m so lucky to have you in my life to make all my friends jealous. Happy birthday!

3The Heartfelt

Something straight from the heart will communicate what you want the best. Croon something deep and take his breath away!

Happy birthday! You are my special blessing. As you celebrate your birthday today, I want you to know that forever you will be my one and only.

You are my knight in shining armor, and my happily ever after. Happy birthday and here’s to another year full of laughter!

You’re my greatest adventure and the love of my life. Happy birthday!

4The Deep

A person’s birthday is a very special day. It’s the anniversary of when your true love entered this world, and adding some depth to your declaration can make it extra special.

Happy birthday! If I could give you the perfect gift, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, so
you’d know how perfect you are.

It’s been clear from the start, that you’re the one who owns my heart. Happy Birthday to the best boyfriend ever!

You’re the man who deserves the best, today is your day to shine above the rest. Happy Birthday!

5The Funny

A lot of girls want a funny guy, and you’ve finally found yours! Now that that long search is over, pick a humorous happy birthday wish to bring a smile to the face your your special man!

Happy birthday from the one who endures your farts and still loves you.

How about instead of years we say levels? That way someday you sound like the badass you are. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Aren’t you proud of me for remembering? From the girl you have to help find her keys every day.

6The Long Distance

There may come a time when life will keep you two apart. Though we hope you never have to spend a birthday far from each other, here’s some well wishes just in case. Always remember, your times away make your times together all the better.

Even though we’re miles apart, you’ll always be in my heart. Happy birthday!

Wishing you beautiful beaches, ocean breezes, and wishes upon stars that all come true. Happy birthday!

You’re the reason I smile and the reason our love thrives across the miles. Have a happy birthday!

You gave me your heart, and I gave you mine, even miles apart, you’re still on my mind. Happy birthday!

7The Classic

Birthdays have been around as long as people, and relationships almost as long as that. So there’s bound to be a couple of classic wishes that will brighten his day.

You’re not getting older, you’re gaining value. Happy birthday!

You touch every part of my life and make it beautiful. Have an amazing birthday!

Everyday you make me feel like the most important person in the world, and everyday you’re the most important person in mine. Happy birthday!

This birthday, may you feel loved, cherished, and as special as you truly are. Happy birthday to the one always in my heart!

8The Cheesy

Try something cheesy to lighten the mood! A sassy, saucy smile pairs best with these audacious anecdotes.

You make every day worth living. Happy birthday!

When I wake up you’re the first one on my mind, and when I fall asleep you’re the reason I smile. Happy birthday to the best boyfriend ever!

Every birthday I think I can’t love you any more, yet every year my love seems to grow.

To my partner in crime, here’s to another year of not getting caught. Happy birthday!

9The Creative

Show off your creative mind with a catchy wish of your own, or you can use one of ours. We don’t mind. Your man is no ordinary boyfriend, so treat him to an extraordinary birthday wish!

You’re my superman, and I’m your kryptonite. Happy birthday super boyfriend!

Of all the fish in the sea, you’re my one true catch. Happy birthday to my one and only!

When you walk into the room, the rest of the world walks out. Happy birthday to the love of my life!

Happy birthday Prince Charming! Love your Happily Ever After.

10The Rhyming

Not only are rhyming phrases easier to remember, they just sound more lyrical. Let your inner poet shine through as you wish him a “Happy birthday to you!”

Thanks for the memories, every single one has been great. Since it’s your birthday, let’s have us some cake! Happy birthday!

Here’s to another year of love, life, and laughter. We’re growing old together faster and faster. Happy birthday!

Whenever I’m with you, time seems to fly. Happy birthday to the most handsome guy!

Birthdays will continue to come and go, and every day my love for you grows. Happy birthday!

11The Cheeky

A couple of brazen birthday blessings will always be appreciated and remembered. Try a wish that is cheeky and fun to entice a laugh from your special someone.

So I know you wished for a girlfriend who isn’t crazy, but they didn’t have any in stock, so you’re stuck with me for another year. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the best boyfriend ever! Remember, you’re only as old as you feel, but you’ll always be older than me.

Don’t know if you know this, but you’re kinda my favorite person. Happy birthday!

12The Saucy

You know you’re the best thing to happen to your boyfriend since sliced bread, and we know he knows it too, but why not remind him? Give yourself some credit with these sassy wishes.

I didn’t get you any candles for your cake, because now that I’m here what more could you possibly wish for? Happy birthday!

I’m so glad we get to grow old together, and that you have a head start. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! Here’s to another year of neither of us acting our age!

If I were you, my birthday wish would be that we can do this again next year. Happy birthday!

13The Simple

Sometimes a direct, straightforward wish is the best way to slide right into his heart. It doesn’t have to be wordy, creative, or even rhyme to get your sweet message across. As long as you mean it, he’ll appreciate it.

Every day we spend together is my new favorite day. Happy birthday!

You’re a masterpiece to valuable to price, happy birthday to the light of my life!

Oh the places I know that we’ll go, what the next year holds for us nobody knows! Happy birthday!

I’m the luckiest girl in the world, because I have you in mine. Happy birthday to the best boyfriend of all time!

14The Extra Special

This is your man’s extra special day, so have an extra special birthday wish to show him how much he means to you.
Words may never be able to truly sum it up, but who says you can’t try?

Roses are red, violets are blue, have a wonderful birthday, I will always love you.

Happy birthday to my plus one and only.

With you in my life, all my dreams come true. I love every moment I get to spend with you. Happy birthday!

You know everything about me and still stick around, happy birthday to the looniest boyfriend in town!



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