40 Good Morning Quotes For Her



40 Good Morning Quotes For Her

Why say good morning to a girl? Because she’d rather be sleeping. Because it’s a chance to set the tone of her whole day. Because a reminder that someone is thinking of you and wishing you well the second you get out of bed makes a girl feel loved. It really is the little, simple things that get us, so if you want to make a girl feel special, say good morning! Better yet, say a little more. Here are 40 good morning quotes for your favorite girl when you want to start her day off right.

1This is your Monday morning reminder that you are amazing and you can handle anything.

I spend Sunday night steeling myself for Monday. Most people could use a little affirmation on Monday morning, because the week feels awfully long right around then.

2Wake up, drink coffee, and punch today in the face.

If she’s not a morning person, you can still embrace that and be positive. I mean, I want to punch things first thing in the morning…

3I hope you feel beautiful today.

A compliment first thing in the morning is unbeatable. You know she’s beautiful, but make sure she remembers herself.

4I always wake up smiling…I think it’s your fault.

Saying something this cute and flirty first thing in the morning will make her smile, too. And don’t you owe it to her to share?

5In case you forgot to remind yourself this morning…

…your butt is perfect. Your smile lights up the room. Your mind is insanely cool. You are way more than enough. And you are doing an amazing job at life.

Cover all the bases and flatter her everywhere, in case you don’t get to talk that day.

6Some of the best days of your life haven’t happened yet.

This is a good way to say good morning because you’re hinting at all the possibilities of her day. It might be the best day she’s ever had!

7You will never have this day again, so make it count.

A gentle reminder to seize the day when she’s feeling blue and would rather stay in bed.

8Smile and let everyone know that today, you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday,

If yesterday was terrible, wake her up with a reminder that 1. it’s over, 2. she made it, and 3. she gets another shot at a great day today.

9Wake up and be awesome.

Awesome at your job, awesome at school, awesome at her hobbies, awesome at whatever awesome looks like for her. You’re not asking her to do anything aside from be her awesome self, and that’s encouraging.

10Wake up, Beauty, it’s time to beast.

Okay, I need someone to text or email me this every morning, or send it via carrier pigeon or singing telegram or something, because this is my favorite quote on this whole list. Of course she wants to be called beautiful, but you know she’s so much more than that: she’s an awesome lady with goals and spirit and fire in her heart. Remind her of both.

11Monday plan: Drink coffee. Be Awesome. Ignore negativity.

You know what helps a girl to overcome the negative things she encounters every day? A thoughtful message from someone she likes. A little boost from someone special will make being awesome and ignoring negativity way, way easier.

12Whatever your 100% looks like, give it.

Girls compare themselves to each other way too often. Sometimes, we don’t do our best just because we feel so defeated by what the women around us are accomplishing, and we’re thinking, “I need to be as good as her!” There’s no woman on earth who couldn’t do with a good morning reminder that she’s her own lady, with her own standards, and totally enough regardless of whatever anyone else is doing.

13Good morning, gorgeous! Grab your coffee and let’s go!

This seems simple, but being told you’re good looking and that there’s coffee in the world to help you tackle the day is actually a really, really good start.

14Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

Sometimes it’s hard to play the long game, make the right choices for tomorrow. This is a positive affirmation on that sentiment to start the day, and a good reminder of why we have to make good choices each day.

15Your time as a caterpillar has expired. Your wings are ready.

Imagine if we thought of a good night’s sleep as a time we transform into something so much more majestic and capable than we were the day before. These words will certainly inspire her out of bed.

16It’s coffee o’clock.

For the shameless caffeine addict lady in your life, coffee is the perfect good morning. Seriously, sometimes the thought of drinking coffee is the only thing that drags me out of bed. It’s not 6’o clock…it’s that time of day you get to have COFFEE.

17Girl, you truly make a difference in the world.

It’s so hard to get up and face the day when you feel bummed out, have the blues, a case of the sads, etc. “Why?” you think. “Why bother?” Say good morning to her by giving her a reason to get up: she matters, to you especially.

18It hurts when someone you love says mean things like, “It’s time to wake up.”

Fully encourage you to send this one with the kitten picture to soften the blow of the fact that yes, unfortunately, it is time to wake up. You know it’s bad news, but you love her enough to deliver it kindly.

19Create a vision that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning.

Getting out of bed is so much easier if you have something to look forward to or something you’re excited to work at. She can start that vision any day, and you can encourage her.

20Wake up. Kick ass. Repeat.

For whatever reason, boiling something down to short, harsh sentences is energizing and makes it feel totally doable. You CAN wake up. You CAN kick ass. And you WILL repeat it!

21When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.

Marcus Aurelius

On a bad day, she might need a reminder. The smallest thing- taking a breath- is a blessing, and so is the big stuff- to be loved by someone who cares enough to say good morning to you.

22Be the reason someone smiles today.

And I bet she can make you smiles any day.

23Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

I know someone who hates the phrase “good morning.” He always replies, deadpan, “It’s morning.” If this sounds like your lady friend, anticipate that. This is especially good if she’s a little nerdy and a little snarky. You mean all those things!

24I love the smell of fresh ambition in the morning.

For all those lean-in, get-stuff-done, girl-boss types, this one is for them. To say good morning to an ambitious girl, tell her you love her style, how she wakes up ready to rock and do her thing with strength and motivation. She’ll love it.

25Life is waking up an hour early to live an hour more.

If you can sell someone on a super early morning, it’s usually worth it: to watch the sun rise, to hear the silence, to drink your coffee slowly. If you think to pass on a thoughtful good morning message, I bet she’d love to spend that extra hour with you.

26You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.

Remind her of why she does what she does every day. Going to bed after a day well-spent is an amazing feeling, and you want her to have it.

27This day will be what you make it, so rise, like the sun, and burn.

-William C. Hannan

I love this, because telling a girl to burn? You’re just telling her to get up and be herself as hard as she can. We all love encouragement to do just that.

28Every morning, you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.

Just because she has to get up for school or work or whatever doesn’t mean that every single day isn’t still another chance to chase her dreams. Yes, sleeping and dreaming are great, but when you’re up, you get to flex your ambition and goals.

29You got this.

She does, and she knows, but it helps to hear it. Plain and simple.

30Decide to rise.

This quote suggests that getting up the morning comes with the chance to be better, happier, more graceful, and that it’s within her power to do so.

31Eat glitter for breakfast and shine all day.

Do not eat glitter for breakfast. However, this quote will make her laugh first thing in the morning, and then she will be shining all day!

32Today is the best day ever.

It’s already a good one because you have someone special to wake up, and the whole day is ahead. It can only get better.

33Make today so awesome yesterday gets jealous.

This is a fun way to say carpe diem, make the most of your day, etc. This is an especially good quote if yesterday wasn’t 100%.

34Rise up and attack the day with enthusiasm.

Go at it, go get ‘em, do your thing, strut your stuff! Sometimes you do get up and feel like you need to attack to get through the day. Do it to the nines!

35It’s a good day to have a good day.

Maybe she could use a reminder that today could be awesome, and she’s already got a good start because you’re thinking of her.

36By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.

Edwin Elliot

Say good morning to her by letting her know that by being herself, she’s doing a great thing. She doesn’t need to match up to anyone else or fit a mold. You like her just the way she is, and so does the whole world.

37Every morning starts a new page in your story. Make it a great one today.

For the English majors, book nerds, and writers, this one is for you. Thinking of life as a story and days as pages certainly makes it more exciting to get up and live.

38Time to do what makes your soul happy.

Save this one for the right day. If she hates her job, wait til her day off when she gets to have the time to herself. It’s true we don’t always wake up and do what we want, but when we do? Oh, it’s so much easier to get up on those days!

39I hope your day is as nice as your butt.

Impossible, but you can hope for it, because that’s a really nice day.

40The sunrise, of course, doesn’t care if we watch it or not. It ill keep on being beautiful, even if no one bothers to look at it.

Gene Amole

Start her morning with a little inspiration so she’ll want to wake up to be her beautiful, amazing, bright self for no reason and no one but herself. She’ll also know that if no one else is watching, you are.

You just read Girlterest list of Good Morning quotes for her!



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