I Love You So Much Quotes

true love you so much quote


I Love You So Much Quotes

Sometimes, when you love somebody so much you need to find a new and unique way to tell them. That is why we’ve compiled a list of romantic and cute I love you so much quotes that are easy to share with your bae to let them know just how much you care! These quotes will definitely have you feeling the love.

1If I Did Anything Right

Giving your heart to someone is the best gift you can ever give. And, if you have given your heart to a special someone, let them know it was the best decision you ever made.

2In All The World

Each heart is unique and different. And, some hearts are just meant to be together. If you have found the heart you were meant to spend your life with, share this quote with your boo.

3I Look At You

If you love someone, you see something very special inside of them that no one else can see. They are your world and your everything and you love every little detail of their soul.

4So Much More

Loving someone to the moon and back may sound very romantic, but there is so much more than that! If you love someone so much you can’t even explain it, then here is the quote for you.

5It’s Impossible

Love is so hard to explain sometimes. It is the most powerful emotion in the world and it is the best feeling. If you love someone more than words, let them know.

6Our Time Apart

Long distance or time apart can either make or break a relationship. If it makes your love grow even stronger, that’s when you know it’s the love of your life.

7You’re My Favorite

When someone says you’re their favorite there is a lot that goes into that. You make them feel their best when they are around you and you are the one they crave to spend time with.

8You’re All My Heart

When you truly love someone, your heart does not have room for anyone else. It is full of the person you love. And, that’s something that’s truly special.

9A Place In My Heart

Some people are absolutely irreplaceable. If you have someone in your life that you couldn’t possibly do without, then make sure they know your heart is always theirs.

10The Best Thing

I love you is a simple saying, but it carries so much meaning. It is what we say to our lovers to remind them that our lives changed once they walked into our lives.

11The Day I Met You

If you keep falling deeper and deeper in love with your partner, then you two are doing something right! When the love keeps growing stronger, you’ll keep working hard to make each other happy.

12There Isn’t One Person

When someone only has eyes for you, it’s the best feeling in the world. And, it’s even better when you feel the same about them. Wanting only one person is special and definitely something to take note of.

13Someone Asked Me

If you truly honestly love somebody, then you think everything about them is absolutely perfect. Their flaws, their mistakes, and their regrets, are gold in your eyes.

14Only You

Love is happiness. When you find someone you want to listen to for hours and spend all your time with, you should consider yourself lucky. Not everyone finds that person so easily!

15Not Only For What You Are

A big part of love is making your partner a better person along the way. Being with someone you love can make you want to work harder and be the best you can be.

16I Always Wanted You

When someone feels like home, hold onto to them. They will make you feel comfort during the darkest days and help you to better yourself on a daily basis.

17You Are The Love

When you find that person that totally encapsulates your world with their love, make sure you do everything to make them stick around. That type of love is rare.

18Something Missing

When you find your other half, being away from them may seem like you are a bit broken. But, no worries, when you see them again you will feel happy and whole.

19If I Could Have Anyone

No matter what, even if you could have anyone in the world you would still choose your boo. That’s because your love for them is deep and has nothing to do with outside appearances.

20If I Had To Choose

Sacrifice is huge in a relationship. And, if you would sacrifice anything for the person that you love, then you definitely know and understand the meaning of true love.

21I Wish I Could Explain

22All My Life

23All Of You

24With My Soul

25I’ll Never Get Tired

26I Can Hardly Tell

27Worth It All

28I Have A Sky Full Of Feelings

29Those Random Kisses

30Made To Love You

31Your Flaws

32Falling Into You

33Every Drop Of You

34How Much I Love You

35I Hope You Know

36I Am Yours

37At The End Of The Day

38My World

39You Are My Person

40Let Me Be

41You Have No Idea

42I Want You Everyday Quote

43So so so


These I love you so much quotes are the perfect way to show your partner just how much you care. Even if you are busy, send one over social media or text. We guarantee it will make your bae’s day.

Some of these I love you quotes are about sacrifice and giving everything to the person that you love. They say that when you care about someone more than you care about yourself, that is true love.

Then there are some quotes on here that talk about choosing your love. When your partner is the person you would choose over anyone in the world, then that’s when you know that they are the one. And, they’re totally irreplaceable.

There are also some quotes on this list that discuss loving every single little detail of your partner. What other people may see as flaws or quirks, you see as beautiful.

Hopefully, these quotes inspired you to get mushy-gushy in the most romantic way and send your lover some quotes over the next coming weeks to make them feel extra special and loved. Trust us, they’ll definitely appreciate the effort.


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