Cute Valentines Day Ideas for Him

Cute Valentines Day Ideas for Him


17 Boyfriend Gift Ideas for Valentines

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to let your awesome guy know how much you love him! Sure, it’s nice to receive presents and romantic gestures from him on this lover’s holiday, but don’t forget that you can also do something extra special for him on Valentine’s Day! No matter what kind of guy he is, there are many amazing ways that you can show him how much you value him. To help you get some inspiration, we have created this list of our favorite cute Valentine’s Day ideas for him! We think this list will give you a great starting point, but feel free to tweak any of these suggestions to make them your own style!

1Recreate your first date

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: This Valentine’s Day idea is so cute and romantic! Your first date probably feels like ages ago since things are so solid and comfortable now, but it is a day worth honoring since it is the day that led to everything being how it is today! He will be very touched by the fact that you remembered so many details about your first date. You should definitely give this idea a try if you are looking to do something extremely romantic and sweet!

2Make muffins for your “stud muffin”

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Yes, this is a cheesy idea, but it is super cute and will work like a charm because who doesn’t like delicious muffins? Hand made gifts are extra special and your guy will appreciate the fact that you took the time to make him something with your bare hands. Add a little note on top that says “for my stud muffin” or something like that. He might laugh at the corniness of this gesture, but there is no way that he will not adore you for giving him this cute Valentine’s Day gift!

3Give him a customized pillowcase with a picture of your face

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: This is a super cute Valentine’s Day idea for him if you two have been dating seriously. If you have only been seeing each other for a few weeks, this kind of gift may actually freak him out! One of the frustrating things about having a serious relationship when you’re young is that you two may be super in love, but not yet at the stage where moving in together makes sense. It can be sad spending nights apart, so giving him this cute gift will help him feel like a piece of you is always there when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep!

4Make him a sultry playlist

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Your guy is sweet, funny and considerate… but he’s also so hot! Show him the songs that make you think of him in that way that you don’t think of other guys. If you don’t listen to that many romantic songs usually, you can always do some online research because there are a ton of recommendations for great artists and songs to add to this kind of playlist. He will definitely be flattered and excited by this spicy Valentine’s Day gift!

5Make him dinner and hide a sweet note at the bottom of the plate

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: It’s no secret that the key to a guy’s heart is through his stomach. He will already be so excited by the fact that you are making him dinner, and when he realizes that you took the time to write him a sweet message that he can keep forever, he will be extremely touched. The best thing to do would probably be to put your note under a layer of cling wrap and then put the food on top. You wouldn’t want to write an amazing romantic note only to have it become drenched in pasta sauce!

6Buy him an assortment of flours

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: No that wasn’t a typo! Be unique and show him your quirky sense of humor by giving him different types of flours instead of flowers! If you want to thoroughly own the pun game, add a cute note like “you bake me really happy,” “I knead you always” or something along those lines. Although he will appreciate this funny gift, you can always add something romantic inside the packages like sweet notes or photos of the two of you!

7Take him on a hike and carve your names somewhere in nature

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: There is something so romantic about leaving your mark in a secret place that only you two know about. Many couples choose to engrave their names in a tree trunk since this is an easier surface to decorate than a rock, for example. Also, trees are a cute place to write your names since the tree will continue to grow, just like your love for each other! You can also prepare a picnic or some other activity so you get the most out of this experience.

8Give him a “coupon” book

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: This is an awesome gift for creative girls. Make your guy a small booklet which contains coupons that grant him the right to claim whatever prize you offer. For example, one coupon could give him the right to choose the next two movies you watch. Another idea would be a coupon that gets him a dinner at his favorite restaurant, paid for by you of course. If you want, you can even add a coupon that is blank so he can write something from his own imagination. No matter how you choose to personalize this gift, he will love the creativity and thoughtfulness of this gift!

9Mail him a handwritten letter

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Although there is nothing wrong with sending a romantic text or e-mail, he will be so surprised and excited to see a love letter from you when it gets delivered with the rest of his mail. These types of notes are less common in the digital age, which means that this gift will feel extra special for him. Since you’re going through the effort of sending him a letter, don’t be shy to write a lot of things. You don’t need to worry about grammar or perfect spelling because the important thing is that you speak from the heart.

10Text him a reason why you love him every hour

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Valentine’s Day is an entire day, so why not make the most of this romantic holiday by taking the opportunity to shower him with love all day long? This is a particularly perfect idea if he is tied up at work or in class for much of the day. He will be wishing every second that he could be with you instead of wherever he has to be, so it will make him feel incredible to receive these messages from you!

11Order a pizza and write a word that describes him under each slice

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: This idea is a little “cheesy” but it is a unique way to make a pizza night extra special. You will be writing a word that describes your amazing guy under each slice of pizza in the box so that he can see a “slice” of why you love him so much. Tell him that for Valentine’s Day, you would like to have a casual pizza night in with him. Everyone loves pizza so he will definitely already be looking forward to this date night with you even without knowing the adorable surprise you have in store for him. Make sure you order the pizza before he gets to your place because you need to give yourself enough to time to add your thoughtful words. He will be so surprised and touched when he sees the little messages you hid for him!

12Do an activity that he has been wanting to do

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Valentine’s Day is a great day to do a fun activity, so think about the things that your guy has been talking about wanting to do…and do it! Maybe he hasn’t followed through on doing this activity because you were hesitant to participate or because he simply has been busy, but it will mean a lot to him that you remembered what he has been wanting to do and are making an effort to actually do it. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a new activity that you love doing and it can become a more frequent part of your relationship!

13Pick up French fries and have a couch potato day

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Valentine’s Day celebrations do not need to be fancy or expensive. Sometimes the most romantic nights are just spent relaxing on the couch with your loved one. Plan a “Couch Potato Day” with your guy for Valentine’s Day and stock up on deliciously greasy French fries to complete the potato themed night!

14Plan a romantic indoor picnic

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: In a lot of parts of the world, Valentine’s Day falls in the midst of a snowy winter. This is not the most ideal situation for an outdoor picnic which may be disappointing since outdoor picnics are a fabulously romantic activity to share with your partner. You can try a twist on this classic date activity by organizing an indoor picnic instead. Set the room up with romantic lighting and flowers and put some comfy pillows on the floor to sit on. Your guy will love how much effort you put into making a romantic evening for him!

15Give him a massage

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Massages are the best! You know how much you love receiving them from him, so why not surprise him with a massage for Valentine’s Day? Especially if he has been stressed out recently, this is the perfect Valentine’s Day idea to show him how much you care about him.

16Go on a dinner cruise

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Dinner cruises are extremely romantic and are the perfect way to celebrate a special day like Valentine’s Day. After enjoying a delicious and fancy dinner, you can stand out on the deck and enjoy the beauty of the ocean while standing in each other’s arms. You essentially can recreate that famous scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the Titanic. So romantic! Although dinner cruises have a reputation of being expensive, there are many ways to find deals on this activity. For example, companies like Groupon frequently offer incredible discounts on romantic dinner cruises!

17Wash his car in a flirty outfit

Why this is a cute Valentine’s Day idea: Most guys won’t admit to this since its cliche and they don’t want to offend their girlfriend, but the hot girl car wash is a very common fantasy that guys have. You don’t need to do anything too risque, but he will love seeing you all dolled up for him as you polish up his second favorite thing besides you: his car.

You have an opportunity to do sweet romantic things for your guy every day, but Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to go all out. He may not expect anything from you since oftentimes guys are led to believe that they are the only ones who need to make a romantic gesture on Valentine’s Day. As much as you look forward to whatever he has planned for you, you also want him to feel as special on Valentine’s Day! We hope that you were able to find some inspiration on this list of cute Valentine’s Day ideas for him and don’t forget to have fun with whatever choice you make!



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