Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

cute things to say to your boyfriend


45 Sweet & Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Doesn’t your boyfriend have the most amazing smile? So why not make him smile even more by telling him something sweet and romantic! Even though your guy knows you love him, it definitely doesn’t hurt to send a little extra love his way by telling him something cute. If you are looking for some inspiration for something to say to him, we have got you covered with a list of cute things to say to your boyfriend! You don’t need to use these quotes word for word, but this list should provide you with some guidance for finding the perfect romantic things to say to your awesome boyfriend!

1You are not just my boyfriend, you are also my best friend

Why this is a cute thing to say: The only thing better than having incredible romantic and physical chemistry with your boyfriend? Being best friends too! This is such a sweet thing to say to your boyfriend because it shows him that he truly completes you and fills all your needs. He will be so happy to know that he is the one you will come to first whenever you have any issues or great news to share!

2I think you are the most handsome guy in the world

Why this is a cute thing to say: Everyone knows that girls worry about their appearance sometimes, but guys are not immune to suffering feelings of insecurity or self-doubt about their attractiveness. Even if your guy hasn’t voiced any concerns, there is no way that he won’t smile and appreciate it when you tell him that you think he is the best looking guy in the entire world!

3You make me laugh harder than anyone else

Why this is a cute thing to say: Of course your boyfriend knows that he makes you laugh, but hearing you say that he makes you laugh harder than anyone else will make him feel quite special! Everyone knows that sharing a sense of humor is one of the most important parts of maintaining a strong relationship, so reminding him that you think he has an incredible sense of humor is a very romantic thing to say to your boyfriend.

4Seeing you smile makes me happy

Why this is a cute thing to say: This is such a sweet thing to say because it reminds your boyfriend how important it is to you that he is happy. The great thing about saying this to your guy is that he will definitely smile when he hears these words and he will get to see first hand how happy it makes you. Let the smile fest begin!

5Even my bad days are good days since you’re my boyfriend

Why this is a cute thing to say: Your guy wants every day to be the best day you’ve ever had, but sometimes things don’t always turn out that way. This is the perfect sweet thing to say to your boyfriend because you are telling him that even if your days aren’t perfect, they are so much better than they would be if he were not in your life!

6Meeting you was the best day of my life

Why this is a cute thing to say: Most couples experience up and down periods during their relationship, but that does not mean that he isn’t the best thing that has ever happened to you! Telling your boyfriend that meeting him was the best day of your life is an incredibly romantic thing to say because it means that even if things are not always perfect, your life would not be complete without him.

7I am so lucky to have you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Guys love to hear that they are appreciated. Even if you show your guy how much you appreciate him through your actions, there is something extra special about telling him that you think you are lucky to have him as your boyfriend. This is a particularly meaningful thing to tell him if you have been a little moody or short-tempered with him recently and want to make it up to him in a romantic way. When life gets stressful, sometimes it can be easy to take the people we love for granted. It will mean a lot to him if you take the time to make sure he understands that you do not take him for granted and know how lucky you are to have such an amazing boyfriend.

8You’re my favorite person to waste time with

Why this is a cute thing to say: Having a boyfriend is awesome because you always have someone to take romantic walks on the beach with, someone to take you to fancy dinners and someone who will always be your “plus one” at special events. But being in a relationship is not always storybook romance all of the time! Sometimes it is having a companion to enjoy binge watching tv shows in your pajamas and no make-up, or just listening to music while staring at the ceiling together. There is something super romantic about reaching this stage of comfort with your boyfriend and it will make him smile knowing that you love being with him no matter what you are doing.

9I wouldn’t change a thing about you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Whether your guy worries about not being tall enough or good enough at sports, he has probably confided in you about something that he perceives as a shortcoming. To you, he is perfect, but he probably doesn’t see it that way and as his girlfriend, you want to support him. A great way to show your support for him is to help him see himself through your eyes. He will probably never believe he is as perfect as you tell him he is, but it will mean a lot to him that you love him so much and wouldn’t change anything about him. Remember that relationships are not a one-way street: you rely on your boyfriend for encouragement and love so don’t forget that he relies on you for emotional support as well!

10I didn’t know what love was until I met you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Just because you may have had a crush or a relationship before your current boyfriend doesn’t mean that you had experienced love before. Love is one of those things that you can only understand when you feel it happen to you and it isn’t something that you can force even if you have a boyfriend. This is such a romantic thing to say to your boyfriend because you are telling him that he has completely changed your life and made you feel emotions that you didn’t even realize you were capable of having. Sometimes a guy might wonder if his girlfriend says the “L” word out of habit, so telling your boyfriend that he actually defined love for you is an incredibly romantic thing to say to him.

11You are my other half

Why this is a cute thing to say: This one is a little bit corny, but there is no way to convey this incredibly sweet sentiment without sounding a little bit cliche! Your boyfriend completes you and there is no other way to describe this feeling. You may not have realized what you were missing until you met him, but as soon as you did you knew part of you would feel empty until you finally got to be with him. Your boyfriend may tease you a little for telling him this corny line, but there is no way that he won’t be touched and adore you even more!

12I would move anywhere in the world to be with you

Why this is a cute thing to say: There are so many relationships that don’t end up working out long term because of geographical conflicts that arise. Some people can make it work with long distance, but embarking on a long distance relationship is often an emotionally exhausting journey that some couples aren’t able to sustain or even willing to try. Odds are that the possibility of moving to a new location someday has crossed your boyfriend’s mind. Even if he hasn’t mentioned it, he has probably worried about having to choose between you and life experiences or opportunities that exist elsewhere. Telling your boyfriend that you would move anywhere in the world to be with him is incredibly romantic. It shows him that you are willing to sacrifice for him and that you don’t want him to have to choose either his relationship or the important milestones he needs to pursue because he can have both!

13I like who I have become since knowing you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Relationships work in the long run when two people enhance each other. This is a romantic thing to say to your boyfriend because it shows him that he has had a positive impact on both your character and also your sense of self-worth.

14I will remember the day we first met for the rest of my life

Why this is a cute thing to say: Even if you two met in a cringe-worthy way like you accidentally spilling a drink on your now boyfriend, it was a special day and you will cherish it forever. Your boyfriend knows that it is a possibility that you two will break up one day, but knowing that you want him to always be tucked in your memory, no matter what the future holds, is a thought that will make him smile. This is a romantic thing to say to him because it conveys what a truly meaningful impact he has had on your life.

15Words can’t describe my feelings for you

Why this is a cute thing to say: If you don’t have the words to tell him how you feel, you can at least use words to explain that to him! This is a cute thing to say to your boyfriend because it shows him that your feelings for him transcend spoken language itself. Luckily for him, love is also a language so you can communicate your feelings for him every day by being the best girlfriend ever!

16You treat me like a queen

Why this is a cute thing to say: Although your boyfriend obviously tries his best to be a great boyfriend, it is totally natural for him to wonder if he is doing a good job. This is the perfect cute thing to say to your boyfriend because it confirms to him that he is doing an amazing job and also shows him that you are aware and appreciative of how incredibly great he is to you

17My friends wish their boyfriends were like you

Why this is a cute thing to say: When you say this to your boyfriend, you are letting him know that you brag to all your friends about what a great guy he is. It will fill him with pride to know that he is doing such a good job at being your boyfriend and it will make him happy to know that you say such nice things about him even when he is not there. Don’t forget, every guy knows how important it is to his girlfriend that her friends approve of him. This is a super sweet way to make sure he knows that he is in great standing with you friends!

18I still have a crush on you

Why this is a cute thing to say: The beginning stages of a relationship is called the “honeymoon” phase for a reason. Early in a relationship, everything seems exciting and romantic as you get to know each other. As time goes on, some couples can drift apart because the original excitement of dating each other fades or they realize they are not compatible. Telling your guy that you still have a crush on him even though you have been dating for a while is a super cute way to let him know that you are still excited and feel lucky to be with him.

19You make me feel beautiful even when I am in sweatpants and no make-up

Why this is a cute thing to say: It is no secret that many girls are hesitant to let their boyfriend see them when they are not looking put together. At first, it can be weird letting him see you in all your natural glory because you may worry that he fell in love with the way you present yourself to the world. However, what most girls don’t realize is that your boyfriend loves seeing you in your natural state because you don’t let everyone see you that way. He loves you, and he thinks you’re gorgeous even when you have a huge pimple in the middle of your forehead. He wants you to believe him when he says this to you, so when you tell him that you finally believe him he will feel great knowing he helped your self-esteem!

20The one thing words fail to capture is just how much I love you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Despite his tough and manly exterior, he wants to hear you say how much you love him. It’s often hard to tell, but guys can be very insecure of themselves and you should always make sure that he is never unsure of all that he means to you.

21I feel so safe in your grasp

Why this is a cute thing to say: Stroking the ego a bit by letting him know how much you love to be wrapped up in his arms is always an adorable thing to say. It will make him feel good to realize that even the small things mean so much to you.

22I know that I can tell you anything

Why this is a cute thing to say: Part of being in a relationship means being able to have complete trust with one another. Reaffirming that you can rely on him to understand you with whatever situation you are going through will make his heart flutter.

23I don’t even know how you put up with me sometimes

Why this is a cute thing to say: There are probably a couple of times when he has gotten really annoyed with you but hasn’t said anything. When you say this, you’re acknowledging that you can sometimes be difficult and you release any tension that has built up from these situations.

24You always know how to make me smile

Why this is a cute thing to say: Whether it’s bringing over coffee and a Harry Potter movie or take-out and his guitar, he is always there for you. Even on the darkest of days, he knows exactly what to do to reduce your stress, even if it’s the tiniest bit.

25You’re the best company in the world

Why this is a cute thing to say: Life gets really busy, and whether you realize it or not, you may sometimes push him away while dealing with the normal hustle and bustle of your schedule. Letting him know how much you adore his company will definitely put his mind at ease.

26I love how ambitious you are

Why this is a cute thing to say: Is there anything more attractive than a man who’s going places? With all of the stressors in his day, he really needs to hear you say how much you love that he’s going after his dreams. After all, you both are each other’s biggest supporters!

27You are my muse

Why this is a cute thing to say: While this is a super cheesy thing to say, it’s sure to be a hit with any girl whose boyfriend is a romantic. Opening the door to the comparison of your love to that of a Shakespearean sonnet will remind him of how much you mean to him.

28You’re so perfect, is there anything you can’t do?

Why this is a cute thing to say: Giving him this compliment after seeing him succeed at an event will flatter him and bring about that shy smile you know so well. He may also respond with things he actually isn’t good at, allowing you to get to know him better and have more things to talk about. If he’s bad at cooking, wouldn’t it be fun to try and make a recipe together?

29If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right

Why this is a cute thing to say: This is such a cliché, but it stays around for good reason. Even if it’s risky or as forbidden as Romeo and Juliet, you would give up everything that you have for this love of yours and you want him to know it.

30Whenever I hear your name, I always look around for you

Why this is a cute thing to say: By telling him this, he knows that he’s always on your mind. You always miss him and want to be around him, even when you have other obligations. He’ll love to know that his name means so much to you.

31My whole lifetime wouldn’t be enough to know everything about you

Why this is a cute thing to say: More aimed towards a guy who you’ve just started dating, this is really adorable to say because you’re letting him know how interested you are in him and intrigued by all of his stories. It lets him know that you want to get to know him more without coming across as too clingy.

32We were meant to find each other

Why this is a cute thing to say: Love and destiny go perfectly together—no one can resist the butterflies they feel whenever they think about their fate and how they were meant to find a person to spend the rest of their lives with. Talking about the whimsical nature of your relationship will make him feel so lucky to have you.

33Can’t wait to see you tonight!

Why this is a cute thing to say: What will he find more adorable than receiving a text from you about how excited you are to see him? There’s no quicker way to put a smile on his face. Part of making a relationship work is putting enthusiasm into it, and you’re doing a great job of that here.

34I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I met you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Another classic phrase, he’ll either blush at this or gag. If he’s a romantic, it’s a great way to express your adoration for him, and if he’s not, it’ll be something ironic to make him laugh.

35I love my name just because you say it

Why this is a cute thing to say: This is so cute to say because it shows him how much of an effect he has on you. Something as important as your name becomes so much better all because of the way he says it. While this seems like a relatively simple line, it will mean so much to him to hear it.

36Loving you is as natural as breathing

Why this is a cute thing to say: There are some loves that you can tell are just meant to be. It’s second-nature to you and just makes sense. He’ll recognize how much of an effort you’ve made to be so open with your feelings and will absolutely eat up this saying.

37I’ve been searching for you since I heard my first fairytale

Why this is a cute thing to say: Not only does this describe the type of love that you think you share, but is also a clever way of characterizing him as a prince, something that he won’t be used to hearing. This is so sweet and adorable!

38All the money in the world couldn’t buy my love for you

Why this is a cute thing to say: Think of all the things you could buy or have with that much money—how comfortable and relaxing of a life you would have. The amount of money he makes may be something that he’s insecure about and you saying that it doesn’t matter would mean a great deal to him.

39To the moon and back

Why this is a cute thing to say: This super #relationshipgoals saying may come across as a bit gushy in front of other people, but is incredibly cute to say only to each other—your ears only. It explains the extent of how much you love and care for each other.

40I wish I had your sweater with me

Why this is a cute thing to say: What’s more comfortable than his oversized sweater or t-shirt? Saying how much you love his sweater reinforces just how much you want to be part of his day-to-day life.

41Your intelligence is so attractive

Why this is a cute thing to say: Complimenting his intellect, or rather his knowledge on a specific subject, is a great conversation starter! He’ll be so happy you noticed his passion for something and he’ll very adorably go off on a tangent.

42Just the thought of being in bed next to you sends chills up my spine

Why this is a cute thing to say: Just being next to him is enough to make your day. He makes you feel electric and smitten and you want to be around him all the time.

43You’re the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning

Why this is a cute thing to say: It just goes to show how much he means to you. Expressing how you feel would make him unbelievably happy and would make him feel more comfortable conveying his feelings as well.

44You make my heart so happy

Why this is a cute thing to say: At the end of the day, through all of the triumphs and tribulations you both endure, your love is so great that it overcomes everything. As long as you have each other, you’ll be okay.

45I love you

Why this is a cute thing to say: We saved the most obvious for last because it is also the most important. Even if you say it to him a lot, make sure he knows you mean it every single time you say it. These are the three most important words in a relationship (honorable mention goes to “I ordered pizza”) and you should say “I love you” as often as you’d like to hear it from him. It seems obvious, but you are in this relationship because you love him and he will never tire of hearing you say these three words!

Every day you have an opportunity to show your boyfriend how much you love him, but don’t forget the power of using words to express your feelings directly. Each one of these cute things to say to your boyfriend is guaranteed to make him smile that gorgeous smile, so there is no reason not to try a few!




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