40 Sad Friendship Quotes


40 Sad Friendship Quotes


Friendship is one of the most important relationships in life. That’s why friends can sometimes hurt our hearts more than anyone else. It’s important to process your emotions when a friend makes you sad, and recognize the kind of friendship you really deserve. Sometimes friendships are worth fighting for, and sometimes they are only in our lives for a season. We’ve made this list of quotes to help you get through any hardship your friendship has caused, appreciate the memories, and take care of yourself as you move forward. Read on these 40 sad friendship quotes.

1My Absence

Sometimes we can learn a lot about a friendship by what happens when we walk away. It’s important to observe who notices when you are absent.

2The Worst Moment

Friendships give us some of the best memories. It can always sting to realize an old friend has now become a memory too.

3Break Your Heart Friendship Quote

We often associate heartbreak with romantic relationships. There are definitely times when the worst heartbreak was caused by a friend.

4I’m Sorry

It’s normal for things to change between people over time. That doesn’t make it any easier when you realize things shifted between you and your best friend.

5Drifting Apart

Maybe you have realized that you and a friend are drifting apart. When that happens, it’s easy to feel like you are the only one who noticed.

6Fall Apart Friendship Quote

Just like in relationships, we sometimes fight with our friends. While these fights are never easy, sometimes they help us see how much we need our friends around.

7Thanks for the Friendship

Ending a friendship can be very difficult. This quote helps appreciate the friendship for what it was, and be thankful despite the hardship you experienced.

8Not Really Your Friends

Growing up can bring a lot of big changes for friendships. Sometimes these changes make us realize some people were never really our friends at all.

9In the End

Martin Luther King, Jr. said it best. Our enemies can make us feel bad, but nothing hurts worse than the silence of a friend.

10How Close We Were Friendship Quote

When a friendship drifts apart, it can feel like there’s a pit in your stomach. Sometimes the most pain is caused by remembering how tight the bond once was.

11One of the Hardest Things

This quote puts it quite simply. The loss of a best friend can be one of the hardest things to go through.

12Just Sad Friendship Quote

When you get in a fight, you go through a lot of emotions. Once the anger wears off, you might just be sad that you lost a friend.


Loyalty can be an interesting thing. Some friends are fiercely loyal, but others may just be loyal to what they are getting out of the friendship.

14The Mirror

This quote is sad because the absence of true friends can feel lonely. Sometimes you just need to be your own best friend for a while.

15Never Said Friendship Quote

Saying goodbye is always hard. Sometimes the hardest goodbyes are the ones that don’t allow us any closure at all.

16Holding Out Hope

When you don’t fully understand how a friendship ended, you might remain hopeful that you’ll hear from them again one day. Hope is always a good thing, as you never know what the future holds.

17Making New Friends

Sometimes when you make new friends it can feel like the old ones are slipping away. It’s good to maintain balance and make sure there is room in your life for both the new and the old.

18Not Everyone Friendship Quote

It may be hard to admit, but this quote is a fact of life. Sometimes a friend is only meant to be in your life for a season, and it’s okay if some friendships don’t last into the future.

19Aren’t Even Friends Quote

This can be a surprising realization. Sometimes we realize the people we thought were our friends aren’t really our friends after all.

20The New You

Have you ever realized that a friend has changed? It can be sad to realize that you just miss how your friend used to be.

21Promise Me Friendship Quote

22Never Had One

23Remember Me? Quote

24Just Remember

25Feeling Replaced

26True Friend’s Silence

27Someone You Knew

28Something So Small

29I Just Thought Friendship Quote

30Stop Crossing Oceans

31Strangers and Best Friends

32We Stopped Texting Friendship Quote

33I Still Love You

34My Touchstone Best Friend Quote

35Never Lose Friends

36Unstable Foundation

37Fight the Urge

38Growing Up is Weird

39Your Heart Breaks Friendship Quote

40Without a Friend Quote


Friendship is so important. There are friends that teach us lessons, friends that help us during hard times, friends that break our hearts, and friends that are there for life. As you go through life, you are sure to run into examples of each. Sad experiences with friends can be hard, but these experiences help us see how important the true friends in life really are!

This list has quotes to help you process a sad moment in any friendship. Some of the quotes are about a friendship ending. You can express sadness as you grieve this friendship, while also recognizing that the ending might have been the right thing to do.

Some of the quotes are good life advice. It’s important to recognize that you deserve good friends, and not settle for anything less.

A few friendship quotes are about missing an old friend. Memories can help you appreciate the good times, even if the friendship is now only a thing of the past.

These quotes remind us that friendship is important and meaningful to each of us. No matter how harsh our enemies are, we care more about what our friends think and whether or not they are there for us when we need them most.

No matter what you’re going through in your friendship. You can find some comfort in one of these quotes, or at least allow it to help you express the sadness you feel. This difficult time in life is bound to make you sad for a bit, but once you get through the process, you will have a better idea of the kinds of friends you want in your life in the future.


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