30 Romantic Text Messages

Romantic Text Messages


Sweet Romantic Text Messages

Are you looking for the perfect romantic text message for your special someone? Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a list of suggestions for 30 romantic text messages. Whether you need a few sweet messages for him, or romantic text messages for her, this list will give you some inspiration as you search for the perfect words to say!

1You mean the world to me


Why this is a romantic text message: This simple and sweet message is the perfect text to surprise your special someone with. Whether it’s first thing in the morning, randomly in the afternoon, or before bedtime, your person will feel very loved and appreciated when they receive this message from you.

2I have never met anyone like you before

Why this is a romantic text message: Everyone wants to feel like they are special or have had an impact on someone, so sending this message will definitely put a smile on your significant other’s face!

3You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me

Why this is a romantic text message: Happy and healthy relationships should add to your life, they shouldn’t detract. Even if you think they already know, it is always meaningful to let the person you care about know that they have made an amazing impact on your life!

4I can’t remember my life before I met you

Why this is a romantic text message: When you meet someone amazing, they come into your life and it feels like you can’t remember the person you were, or how you spent time, before they were in it. This is a very romantic sentiment to express to the person you are dating and sending this message via text is nice because they can always look back on this message from you if they are having a bad day!!

5If I had to choose my favorite thing about you I couldn’t. You’re too amazing to choose just one.

Why this is a romantic text message: This text message is a little bit corny, but it is so sweet nevertheless! If you want to be super romantic, you could send this text and then follow up with a few more texts describing all of the things you love about your special person!

6You’re the peanut butter to my jelly

Why this is a romantic text message: Romantic text messages don’t need to be sappy or dramatic in order to be sweet! Since everyone knows that peanut butter and jelly go together perfectly, this text message is an adorable way to communicate that you believe that this person is your perfect match!

7You’re the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep

Why this is a romantic text message: Everyone knows that you think about the things that are most important to you right before you go to sleep and right when you wake up. This is a super romantic text message because it shows the person you love that they are the most important thing in your life and that you think about them always when you are apart!

8I want to be your last everything

Why this is a romantic text message: Very few people end up with the person who was their first love, or first kiss, or first crush. However, the most important thing is that you are their last everything. Sending this message shows that you don’t care about their past, but that you have every intention and desire to stick around for the future!

9I love you more than chocolate

Why this is a romantic text message: The point of this message is to communicate that you love them more than something that they know you love a lot. So if chocolate is not your thing, you can substitute it for something else. Either way, this sweet message is a lighthearted and romantic text that is sure to make your special person smile moments after you hit send!

10You’re simply the best

Why this is a romantic text message: You don’t need to send a lengthy message in order to communicate your feelings. Short and sweet, this romantic text message shows them that you admire them which is very important in happy relationships!

11I would do anything to be cuddling with you right now

Why this is a romantic text message: One of the best parts of having a special someone in your life is having someone to do cute things with, including cuddling! This sweet message is a romantic way to let them know you are thinking about them right now.

12No one is perfect, but you come pretty darn close

Why this is a romantic text message: Perfection doesn’t exist, but hearing that you’re almost perfect is super flattering! When you are with someone, it’s important to know that they love you for your flaws, so this message is a great way to show them that you love everything about them.

13You make me happier than anyone else

Why this is a romantic text message: It can be hard to find someone who you connect with on a deeper level, but once you find them, they make you feel happier than you knew you could feel. Even if admitting how much they mean to you makes you feel vulnerable, expressing how happy they make you is romantic and important.

14There are not enough words to describe how much I love you

Why this is a romantic text message: When you’re in love, it can be hard to figure out how to express your feelings adequately. Although you can try to use words, sometimes it’s not enough. Luckily, saying that you don’t have words to describe your feelings won’t suggest to your special person that you have a below average vocabulary! Instead, they will think this text message is extremely romantic and sweet.

15No matter how long we are together, you will always give me butterflies

Why this is a romantic text message: Although crushes are thrilling, sometimes the excitement can fade over time after you have known each other for a long time. Reminding them that they will always excite you is a great way to soothe and insecurities and show them how connected you feel to them!

16I wouldn’t change anything about you even if I could

Why this is a romantic text message: After people have been seeing each other for a while, sometimes there is a desire to change things about the other person. The best relationships happen when you accept each other fully and don’t want to change one another at all. You can encourage them to be their best selves, but trying to change them is controlling and not romantic. This text message, on the other hand, is romantic because it shows them how much you care about and respect them for who they are.

17You make me feel like it is okay to not be perfect

Why this is a romantic text message: Although you should always strive to be your best self, it is important to be with someone who doesn’t pressure you to never have bad days or be perfect. This is a romantic text message because it shows them that they make you feel comfortable and at ease with who you are.

18I knew I loved you way before I told you so

Why this is a romantic text message: This romantic text message is simple, but very sweet. Knowing that you loved them before you said anything will make them smile and reminisce about the early stages of your relationship!

19I have never believed in anyone as much as I believe in you

Why this is a romantic text message: Supporting the person you love is the cornerstone of any healthy and happy relationship. Relationships can’t be one-sided or just about what your significant other can do for you. It’s very romantic to express that you believe in them as an individual person, and not just as your partner.

20You are incredible and can do whatever you put your mind to

Why this is a romantic text message: This is a great romantic text message to send especially if your special someone has an important task to complete that they are nervous about!

21You’re hot

Why this is a romantic text message: Everyone loves a compliment! Even though you love them for more than their looks, it doesn’t hurt to remind them that you think they are hot!

22Being apart from you hurts

Why this is a romantic text message: When you love someone, they feel like a part of you. Even though they don’t want you to hurt, it will make them feel loved to know that you are very affected by their absence.

23I’ve got 99 problems, but you make me feel like I have none

Why this is a romantic text message: Romantic text messages don’t have to be super sappy to be sweet! This message makes an obvious reference to the iconic Jay-Z song “99 problems” and your special person will appreciate that you took the time to send a romantic text with a clever twist!

24You’re the one

Why this is a romantic text message: At the end of the day, relationships work when both people want a future together. This is a romantic text message because it shows that you believe they embody everything you want in your lifelong partner.

25Whether I am happy or sad, you’re the first person I want to call


Why this is a romantic text message: The person who loves you wants to know that you can come to them for anything. This text is a romantic way to show them that you trust them completely.

26I’m so excited to see what the future will bring for us

Why this is a romantic text message: This romantic message shows the person that you love that you plan to be there no matter what.

27You don’t know how amazing you are

Why this is a romantic text message: Self-doubt is something that everyone experiences, so this romantic text message is a great way to make the person you love feel confident!

28I’m lucky to have you in my life

Why this is a romantic text message: Although life can get busy, it is romantic (and important!) to let the person you love know that you don’t take them for granted and that you appreciate everything they bring to your life.

29You are my other half

Why this is a romantic text message: The best relationships happen when both people think that they have found the person who completes them. Sometimes you didn’t even know anything was missing from you life until you meet someone who shows you how incomplete you were before. This romantic text message is a short and sweet way to communicate how important they are to you and show them that you definitely envision a future together!

30I love you to the moon and back

Why this is a romantic text message: This text message is admittedly on the corny side. Having said that, there is no way your special person won’t smile when they see this. Basically, if you want to communicate that you love this person a whole lot, this is the perfect romantic text message to send!

There is nothing like checking your phone to see that you have a romantic text message from the person you love! Don’t forget: if you love receiving romantic text messages, so does the person you love! We know that finding the perfect words to say can be difficult, so we hope that this list helps you find the words you need to express your feelings. Remember, romance comes from the heart, so feel free to take any of these ideas and put your own personal touches on the message you send to your special person!



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