50 Bae Quotes

bae quotes

50 Sweet, Funny and Cute Bae Quotes

There ain’t no one that can compare to Bae. This is the person that can make you smile when you’re feeling down, make you laugh when you least feel like laughing, and makes you feel like you are the very best version of yourself. Here at Girlterest we’ve rounded up 50 cute, sweet and funny quotes that you can send to Bae to let him know just how important he is.

1You’re the one I want to be next to right now

Now and always, things are just better when you’re with Bae.

2I still remember the feeling I felt when I first started talking to you

Who would have thought when you guys first met that it would end up being so special?

3I want you. All of you. Your flaws, your mistakes, your imperfections. I want you and only you.

Your Bae may not be perfect or might have some super strange habits, but you’ll love them as they are because they’re Bae.

4I`m selfish because I will never share you with anyone else. I promise you no one will ever love you like I do.

You will do everything and anything to take care of Bae and make sure that he is happy. From the little things like asking about his day and checking in on him, to surprising him with fun plans. There isn’t anybody who would feel as strongly as you do.

5“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever.”- Winnie the Pooh

Who says that Winnie The Pooh isn’t wise? Even when you and Bae aren’t together, he’ll always be on your mind.

6You`re the ping to my pong.

The ping to my pong, the ying to my yang, the Netflix to my chill (you get the picture…)

7If you asked me to write down how I feel about you, I would probably need a billion sheets of paper.

There simply aren’t enough words in the dictionary to express these strong feelings.

8It’s amazing when you have feelings for someone and they have those exact same feelings for you. I appreciate everything about you.

It’s the most amazing thing in the world right? Knowing someone loves you despite all of your weird and wonderful habits.

9If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again. I could watch you everyday of my life and never get bored.

Seriously. Just rewind and repeat over and over. If Bae was a movie, there would be no such thing as seeing it too many times.

10Every day and night, my mind is filled with thoughts of you. As long as the sun continues to shine, you can be sure that my heart will remain yours.

When you’re really into someone, they are literally all you can think about from the moment you wake up, right up until you go to sleep.

11My mind thinks of you the second before I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up each morning.

Bae is always on your mind from the moment that your alarm clock goes off. We’re betting that the first thing you do in the morning is check your phone to see if he’s sent that classic “good morning” text message..

12If you choose to live in my heart, I will never charge rent.

Bae can live for free #landladyoflove

13Being apart has only shown me how much I truly love you.

They say that absence makes the heart go fonder and it does.
Every day away from Bae just makes you appreciate them that little bit more.

14If I could choose only two times to be with you, it would be now and forever.

N’aww. We just always want to be with Bae!

15I just want to make you happy. Because you’re the reason that I’m so happy

Seeing Bae with a smile on his face because of something you did is the best feeling.

16Making memories with you is my favorite thing to do.

It’s amazing to just be able to sit at home and smile to yourself later while you remember all the wonderful things that you did earlier with Bae.

17I hope you want to stay for a long time because my heart really likes you.

When someone makes you so happy, the thought of ever losing them is painful.

18Let’s cuddle so I can steal your body heat!!

The perfection solution to cold weather. Who needs a heater when you have Bae?

19It’s simple. Never give up on me and I’ll never give up on you.

Through the hard times and the good, if you love and support each other, you can surely get through it.

20It’s sweet when someone remembers every single detail about you. Not because you remind them but because they pay attention.

When Bae remembers some random fact that you told him weeks ago. Swoon.

21I need you like a bee needs nectar, a heart needs to beat and a child needs love.

Truly. Bae is like a lifeline that you couldn’t survive without.

22If someone gave me a flower for each thought of you, I would be able to wander through my garden of flowers forever.

It’s hard to think about anything else, not that you’d want to, because your memories with Bae are so sweet.

23Every word that falls from your lips is my food. Each breath of your lungs is my wine. Your existence is everything that I could ever need.

When you’re infatuated with someone, or you love them deeply you just cannot get enough of them. You hang off every word they say and feel happiest in their presence.

24If I had to between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to say I love you.

OK maybe it’s a little soppy but it’s too the point right? It shows you’d rather DIE than lose Bae so if you send him this, he’ll know you like him a lot, right?

25Love is cute when it’s new, but love is most beautiful when it lasts.

The honeymoon phase is sweet, but when you start to act like yourself and he’s seen you at the worst yet he still sticks around, that’s when you know it’s for real.

26Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you.

Bae will never make you an option. For Bae you are only the first choice and the only choice.

27“You mean more to me than anyone in this whole world.”- Peter Pan

Cute, and who doesn’t love wise words of wisdom from Peter Pan?

28I love my life because it’s you.

Bae is your everything. When you meet someone that you truly care about, it feels like they are the reason for your existence. 

29Thinking of you is easy, I do it every day. Missing you is the heartache that never goes away…

It’s easy to remember your times together but when you’re far apart, or you have busy schedules it can be so painful waiting for that next meeting.

30A life without your love is like a year without summer.

Bae is the light in your life. Otherwise, everything would be dull and miserable so you’re so grateful to have him in your life.

31Without you, I’m nothing. With you, I’m something. Together, we’re everything.

Two people are always stronger together than alone. You and Bae bring out the best in each other and help each other to be the greatest versions of yourselves that you can be.

32Every morning would be perfect if I woke up next to you.

Waking up to the smiley little face of the one you love (hopefully sans morning breath!). What could be better?

33One day I caught myself smiling for no reason, then I realized I was thinking of you.

You know when you catch yourself smiling like a maniac and you’re sure the random people around you think you’re just crazy? Yeah, that.

34I smile like an idiot when I’m talking to you Doesn’t matter if it’s in person or through text or anything else. I just smile because it’s you.

That crazy smile you get when your phone goes off and it’s a message from Bae.

35It’s crazy to think you have so much control over my happiness.

Bae is the one who determines your mood for the day. Even if it’s a stressful time, he knows how to put a smile on your face.

36“Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine”- Snow White

Bae is as important to light in your life as the sun is.

37You’re not just a chapter of my life. You’re the whole novel.

You and your Bae share the best love story!

38I want to create crazy memories with you.

Experiencing fun and crazy things for the first time, or visiting new places is that much more special when you have someone like Bae to share these things with.

39You’re the want I want. Just you.

Just you, and only you. No-one else matters.

40You+Netflix+Cuddling would be good right about now.

Bae + chick flick + popcorn + snacks + cuddles = perfection

41I don’t want perfect I just need your best.

You love someone with their imperfections, flaws and all. You don’t want some super hunk or a rocket scientist, you just want Bae at his kindest.

42My goal is to make you the happiest person in the world.

It’s the greatest feeling to see Bae happy and know that his smiles are because of something that you did or said. Bae makes you feel amazing about yourself and you want to be sure to return the same favour.

43I got three words for you. I love you.

Those three little words that mean so much. They seem so simple, but hearing them can completely make a person’s day.

44I wish you could see the stupid smile I have on my face when we’re texting.

That crazy lady smile strikes again! You literally cannot control it, it just makes you so happy to hear from Bae.

45Mornings would be better if I woke up next to you.

Bae is just as important to start your morning as a cup of coffee is to some people.

46As long as I have you, I have everything I’ll ever need to be happy.

All you need is Bae. You don’t need material things or anyone else, you’ve already found the most special person to you.

47You want to know what’s amazing? Well, read the first word of this message again.

Getting playful with Bae with this cheeky little message. Maybe he’ll cringe, but you’re sure to get a giggle out of him with this one.

48A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love, a hug is just a hug until you find the one you’re always thinking of. A dream is just a dream until it comes true. Love was just a word until the day I met you.

Meeting that one person can make everything in your life make sense, and can make you realize why things never worked out with people that you’ve dated before.

49You fall in love with the little things about someone, like the sound of their laughter and the way their smile forms.

It’s the little things that count – their quirks and characteristics they make them so unique.

50I want to be the first thing you touch in the morning…

Suprise your bae in the morning with this cute and sexy text.

51When I text you it means I miss you…

A super cute way to show your bae he/she is always on your mind.

52Please take one!

There’s no better way to surprise your bae than with flowers, or maybe just a cute note to make her feel extra special!

53When your eyes met mine…

This quote is so romantic and will make for a sweet love note.

54Babe, you make me feel…

Send this love message to your bae on your anniversary. If your bae makes you feel all these he is definitely a keeper!

55Sometimes when you meet someone…

You probably did not all in love at first sight, but you definitely clicked from the moment you met.

56I  am Jealous…

Cheezy and flirty way to tell him how crazy you are about him!



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