40 Inspiring Girl Power Quotes


40 Inspiring Girl Power Quotes

In a world so full of desperation and aggression, it is so easy to feel deflated and hopeless. People don’t take the time to slow down and think about how their words or actions may affect other people, and you’re often left confused and lacking in confidence by their thoughtless behavior. You know you’re strong and capable of achieving all of your dreams, but you also need a small pick-me-up to stay on track. Need a reminder of how unique and utterly stellar you are? Here are 40 inspiring girl power quotes to rekindle your motivation and drive for success!

1I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.

Jane Austen, Persuasion

Such a revolutionary woman in the literary field, Jane Austen reminds us all that it’s good to take risks and push yourself to strive for all of your goals. She sums it up perfectly by surmising that a life spent in a comfort zone is hardly a life at all.

2I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely. No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself.

Simone de Beauvoir

This quote is completely empowering, stating that while it’s perfectly okay to work with others, it is ourselves who know what is best for us at the end of the day. We are independent parts working as a whole.

3And though she be but little, she is fierce.

William Shakespeare

For anyone who is ever put down because of their size or age, know that it is your personality and drive that determines the extent of your success. As Shakespeare conveys, never judge a book by its cover. The story inside just might surprise you.

4The most effective way to do it, is to do it.

Amelia Earhart

Be a go-getter. Aspire after your dreams and plan tangible steps towards attaining them. Sometimes you just have to jump off a cliff and see where you land.

5She’s a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. She sees possibility everywhere.

One of the key characteristics of being successful is seeing potential in the smallest of things, including yourself. To be a dreamer, a doer, and a thinker is to be completely self-actualized.

6It’s not my responsibility to be beautiful. I’m not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me.

Warsan Shire

Don’t let anyone take you at face value. You are so much more and deserve that much more as well. Don’t let others’ perception of you obscure your focus.

7She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. ‘Time’ for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.

Roman Payne

To be completely sure of yourself is a goal for all of us to strive for. Once we are okay with ourselves, we’ll be surprised by how much others love us as well. Be yourself always, or you might miss your chance.

8I am a Woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal Woman, that’s me.

Maya Angelou

You are such a beautiful person. You are lovely and intriguing and quirky. You are everything you want to be. Just as Maya Angelou writes, that’s you.

9If any female feels she needs anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency.

Bell Hooks

Although it’s extremely difficult, you must be assured of yourself. It’s the one thing you have control over.

10I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.

Audre Lorde

To accomplish anything in today’s world, you will have to face fierce resistance to your ideas. You will need bravery and strength to make it through. Be direct and confident to help make your dreams a reality! 

11One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”

Joan of Arc

Always stand firm in your beliefs. Don’t sacrifice what you believe just to get ahead. There will be a way to keep both your dreams and beliefs intact. Don’t ever give up on that.

12Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without traveling.

Roman Payne

Talk is great, but, at the end of the day, it can only take you so far before you have to start taking action. There is no reward without the risk it takes to get there.

13In every generation, there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.

Joss Whedon

Any time there is a person who reaches for success, there is another person who tries to inhibit them. But with a bit of hard work, you will overcome and become the victor. Love yourself enough to give yourself the opportunity.

14Who runs the world? Girls!


If there’s any inspirational and peppy girl power song, it’s “Run the World (Girls)” by Beyoncé. Definitely add it to your motivation playlist.

15She needed a hero, so that’s what she became.

Sometimes there won’t be anyone to save you. If you want to succeed, prepare to catch yourself when you fall.

16A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.

Gina Carey

Meet challenges with dignity and grace. Don’t fall under pressure, but know that you are becoming a stronger person through your tribulations.

17She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword.


You don’t need anyone else to validate you. You are extraordinarily you, capable of so much on your own. Be proud of that.

18If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack.

Coco Chanel

One of the world’s most influential women, Coco Chanel, always knows how to appear strong and unwavering. Don’t flinch when others try to tear you down. Simply fix your makeup and continue on your way.

19My coach said I run like a girl, and I said if he ran a little faster that he could, too.

Mia Hamm

You are strong, beautiful, intelligent, and perceptive. You should never feel inferior for being a woman. You are wonderful.

20Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle.

Some will try to tear you down, but you are the one who dictates what affects you. Don’t let jealousy erase your success.

21For most of history, anonymous was a woman.

Virginia Woolf

Break through the barrier. You are so incredibly talented and can achieve your goals as long as you push through and maintain your focus.

22The time is long overdue to encourage more women to dream the possible dream.

Sheryl Sandberg

Making change is as simple as complimenting another person or spreading positivity in other ways within your community. Uplift and love one another.

23Don’t let anyone define you. You define yourself.

Billie Jean King

The second you let other people define you is when you lose. You control yourself, not society. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad for being yourself.

24There is no force equal to a woman determined to rise.

W.E.B. Du Bois

Determination combined with adrenaline can do great things. Always aim to be the best you can be.

25She believed she could, so she did.

Being able to follow through on your goals is such a powerful thing. Many can’t do this and may try to bring you down out of spite, so never take it personally when you’re met with opposition.

26Your silence will not protect you.

Audre Lorde

If you don’t approve of something, don’t accept it. Be strong and stand up for what you believe in.

27A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water.

Eleanor Roosevelt

If one thing’s certain about life, you will be tested. It’s important to rise to the occasion when these come up so that you can prove that you’re a force to be reckoned with.

28It’s a very cool thing to be a smart girl.

Intelligence is a powerful weapon that any woman can use to make all of her wildest dreams come true.

29She turned her can’ts into cans and her dreams into plans.

The biggest accomplishments in life are turning weaknesses into strengths and making your dreams possible. If you can do these things, you can do anything.

30Women hold up half the sky.

Don’t ever feel discouraged because you’re a woman. Without you, the world wouldn’t run.

31Sometimes you just have to put on lipgloss and pretend to be psyched.

Mindy Kaling

To put it frankly, life is going to suck at some points. Instead of hiding inside for the storm to pass, take out an umbrella. Don’t let external conditions affect who you are.

32Behind every successful woman is herself.

Never lose sight of who you are, or else you might not ever have the opportunity to go back. If you can’t do it while being yourself, it’s not worth doing.

33You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.

While there are so many challenges to overcome on your way to accomplishing your goals, keep in mind that it wasn’t meant to be easy. Persevere, because the rewards will be so overwhelmingly worth it.

34Sometimes it’s the princess who kills the dragon and saves the prince.

Samuel Lowe

Don’t hesitate to step into a new role. It just might be the big break you were searching so ardently for.

35Little girls with dreams become women with vision.

Confidence is a process. Nurtured from your youth, you have been shaped into the person you are today. Don’t let that go to waste by playing it safe. Follow your gut.

36Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded.

So many quit before they ever reach their dreams because the road to get there can get lonely. If you keep your eye on the finish line, you’ll be there before you know it.

37Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.

Always follow your passions, because as long as you do, there will be people who admire and respect you for it.

38Keep shining beautiful one. The world needs your light.

You have so much talent to offer the world. Don’t ever bottle it up.

39She wasn’t doing a thing I could see, except standing there, leaning on the balcony railing, holding the whole universe together.

J.D. Salinger

While you may think that others only see your flaws, there are so many who marvel at how there could be someone in existence as amazing as you.

40I love the person I’ve become, because I’ve fought to become her.

Kaci Diane

Never give up on who you are. You are so much more than you could ever imagine.

41Her Souls Is Fierce, Her Heart Is Brave, Her Mind Is Strong

R.H. Sin

Love yourself for who you are, embrace and accept your flaws and work with them. Always be stong and accomplish whatever you set your mind to.

42Real Queens Fix Each other’s Crowns

We are all queens and should always support and empower one another.

43Slay Your Own Dragons Princess

Slaying the dragon is an expression that simply means facing and overcoming your fears.

44Every Morning You Have Two Choices..

Continue to sleep with your dreams or Get Up and Chase Them.
Always follow your dreams!

45A flower does not think of competing..

Comparing yourself to others can be your worst enemy. Love yourself and embrace who you are, always!

46You are made of stardust and wishes and magical things

You are magic, and there is no one else like you…

47I’m Not Lucky


48Here’s to Strong Women

May We Know Them, May We Be Them, May We Raise Them. Amen!

49If you’re not Smiling You Should Be

To all of you boss girls out there!

50I stopped Waiting for The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Girls with dreams become women with vision and action.

51Be Happy

Be happy with your life and who you are. It doesn’t matter what others think about you.

52I want my body like my coffee

Love your body, get stronger and healthier.

53She needed a hero

Become the strong women that you are.

54You Go Girrrl!

You are inspiring and beautiful!

55Be Unique

Being yourself is the only way to be happy and in peace within.

56Girl Power

Girl power lies in the strength to empower yourself and others.

57Bikini Body?

Love your body, doesnt mtter its shape or size! Never be ashamed of who you are.

58A girl should be two things…

Who and what she wants!

59Self care isn’t selfish!

You should be your first priority. First thing love and take care of yourself!

60What’s more cuterus?


61Life is a party..

So dress like it while you enjoy the ride…

62Every day it still gets done..

Never forget that you can make things happen and get things done, always, even if some days it may feel the opposite.

63Keep your heels, head, and standards high!

Be proud and respect yourself and your decisions.

64Barbells and Ponytails

For all you fitness girls out there.

65She was fierce

Ber fierce, be who you are, be powerful!

66You’re a diamond

Strong and shiny!

67Be stronger

Its so much easier to make excuses. Remember you are much stronger than them, so when you overcome these excuses your life become much happier.

68Toss Your Hair In A Bun

Whatever it is you come across in life, you can definitely handle it. Embrace your girliness and power!

69She believed she could…



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