Best TBH Pictures For Instagram


40 TBH Pictures For Instagram

As soon as you were a young teenager creating your first social media pages in the mid-2000s, you began to see the viral trend of “TBH” posts makes their way around your feed. The whole idea seemed pretty crazy; you liked their post and they told you their raw, unfiltered opinion of you, hence the acronym standing for “to be honest.” At first, you stared at their post, wondering if anyone really cared so much about what that one person thought, but as you saw more likes rake in, you found your mouse drawing nearer to the button that would bring the fad into your life as well. From there, it’s like a snowball effect. You like every status you see, even if you don’t know the person well. You wonder which favorite memory your best friend will share, or if that girl is over your fight from two years ago? You start posting TBH statuses yourself and the game is even more fun.

1TBH Meaning

But what is a TBH really today? Because it’s so done and known, TBHing is an art. Everyone knows that it’s no fun unless you get a lot of people to like your picture. So many people will ghost your picture if it’s not intriguing or eye-catching; you have to add just the right appeal to get someone to stop and double tap. Once you have mastered the different ways in making someone become apart of the game, you can control your feed and see the likes pour in. The key is to remember to be unique but stay true to yourself. If your TBH has the right amount of you in it, combined with current trends, you should find yourself with a steady stream of likes! Without further ado, here are totally Instagrammable TBH pictures.

2Team Nike

The Nike aesthetic is totally in right now and the crown emoji emphasizes that you’re a total queen.

3If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late

Using a pop culture icon like Drake gets people’s attention and also implies that you’ll be spitting bars in your TBH comments.

4The Glitz And The Glam And The Fashion

Showing off your bomb makeup or the nails you worked hard on is a surefire way to get people to take notice in your picture.

5It’s Summer Somewhere

Everyone always wishes that it’s summer, so posting a tropical or beach-inspired background just might make them double tap.

6More Summer Vibes

This is another cute summer vibes tbh favorite!

7Seek Out The Squad

With more people giving out the TBHs, more people are sure to like it.

8Be A Little Hip

Smooth out your aesthetically-pleasing tapestries and braids, we’re making a TBH edit.

9Write It Out

Show off that penmanship girl! Go crazy with that calligraphy pen and see how many likes you can rack up.

10Drink It

Share your favorite Starbucks drink with a creative TBH on it!

11Confetti Parties

This picture combines two very important things to teenagers: retro celebration vibes and Adidas Superstars.

12Coachella Art Vibes

This kind of illustration is very hip and could get some big accounts to like your picture.

13Shoot it

Get your Instagram worthy photos seen!

14Time Commitment

If you specify videos, they know you’re for real and won’t just say, “Oh, you’re super nice.”

15Color Scheme Media

People will appreciate your scheme and well-selected photo.

16Obscure Transportation Method

The hoverboard lights shine just about as brightly as your phone with Instagram notifications.

17Take A Showstopping Selfie

Take a picture that makes everyone stop scrolling and look in awe at how beautiful you are. They’ll want your opinion of them after that.

18Roses Are Rates

This sweet TBH is for those whose followers know them to regularly post reflective pictures in fields or indie concert reviews.

19Remind Everyone How Adorable You Are

This totally cute flower crown monkey emoji pair will make everyone stop and look at the user who posted it. Once they see it’s you, they’ll definitely double tap.

20State The Expectations

Everyone wants a long TBH, so they’ll appreciate that you’re being straight about it from the get-go.

21Namedrop The DMs

Everyone will wonder how deep your TBH will be if it has to be as secretive as in their DMs. And you know they’re just dying to find out.

22Spice It Up

Focusing on something like best feature ensures your followers that you’re putting thought into it. It’s something so specific that the curiosity eats them away until they like it and get their answer.

23Rely On That Iridescence

This is a fairly trippy background that people would stop to analyze before scrolling further down. Enough time for them to leave a like while they’re at it.

24Movement Pics

The movement of her body seems to capture a moment from a story. The direction causes a sense of intrigue and the block letter font drives the hip factor home.

25Call It Monopoly

If anything catches someone’s attention, it’s money. Especially big bills. Not the most humble way to earn a TBH like, but money talks.

26What Do You Meme

You can catch everyone off guard with a meme-ified post. This may make half of your following cringe, but people will laugh at how cringey it is and like it anyway.

27Surprise Factor

Posting a surprising edit can gain a lot of likes in a short amount of time, especially when done really well, like Punk Belle to the right.

28Animal Lovers

Use your dog for likes. Dogs are the key to every teen’s heart.

29Sneak It In

Have a super cool picture of you doing something incredible be captioned with, “Tbh?”

30Use A Trendy Design

Patterns like pineapples, cacti, and aliens are some of the most popular among many 2010s décor trends.

31Be Loud, Be Proud

This bold tribal design will definitely grab people’s attention and get them to play TBH with you.

32Make It Mysterious

Make yourself a bit of a hipster and contrast dark colors with pale ones.

33Plant A Seed

Succulents and cute plants are a big deal right now. Both preppy and indie girls will flock to like your picture.

34Unleash The Foodie

Find your most aesthetically pleasing food picture in your camera roll.

35Let’s Get Weird

Don’t be afraid to let go and post weird stuff in your feed. They’ll stop scrolling for this one.

36Get A Pic Of That Car That Isn’t Yours

Yeah, we catch that Audi logo in your pic. We know it probably isn’t yours, but you’ve impressed us regardless.

37Add Some Texture

The high-def quality of this picture makes it a perfect background for a simple text line.

38Make Your Own Doodle

Let your artistic side come out and use your passion to incite a TBH war among your friends.

39TBH Like?

A really cool and artistic tbh. Add a bit of color pop and a new font and you’re good to go!


Shoot For The Stars

for the stars
Your TBH post can be as big or as little as you want it to be. Focus on what you want, how you want to get it, and why. Have fun TBHing!



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