30 Good Quotes for Instagram Selfies

instagram caption ideas


Best Quotes for Instagram Selfies

In the current social media trends, quotes to go along with your awesome photos is a must have on Instagram. It seems like people are more apt to like your photos if you put a meaning behind them. Instead of posting a random sunset picture or a selfie, add a quote in the description to make the photo more than just a photo. We made this list of 30 good, funny and cute quotes for Instagram, with long and short quotes that could fit many different types of photos.

1Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods

This quote would be amazing with a picture of your desk at work, something you are proud of, you doing something you have never tired, or when you’re hitting the gym to achieve that awesome work out goal.

2Be grateful for small things, big things, and everything in between. Count your blessings, not your problems.

Perfect quote for a stunning landscape or sunset photo, or one of your beautiful self soaking in the outdoors. This could also be a beautiful statement of love for a photo with your significant other.

3Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Obviously this would be crazy cool with an awesome photo of a road, but maybe it could be you on a hiking trail or of a beautiful scenery as your backdrop in a selfie.

4Here sleeps a girl with a head full of magical dreams, a heart full of wonder, and hands that will shape the world.

This could be good for a selfie of you laying in bed at night, or of your gorgeous fingers wrapped around a steaming cup of tea enjoying the sun going down from your porch.

5Time decides who you meet in life, your heart decides who you want in your life, and your behavior decides who stays in your life

This quote would be great to go with an abstract photo of your friends or SO, where you can’t exactly tell who they are. Maybe they are facing away from looking at something beautiful.

6Your vibe attracts your tribe

A selfie with your tribe of friends, obviously!

7Creativity is intelligence having fun

The Great Albert Einstein said this beautiful genius quote. If you are artsy, this could be a great quote to post with your work of art, your your messy artistic tools whatever that may be.

8Anyone can find the dirt in someone be the one that finds the gold

This would go great with a photo of someone or something in nature. Maybe a flower growing out of the mud.

9And so she decided to start living the life she’d imagined

This would be perfect for you on a trip or vacation to somewhere you have never been. Or maybe you just got a new office at work. Whatever makes you feel like you are living your life to its fullest.

10Once you realize you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever.

A gorgeous photo of anything. Maybe an old job, an old goal, an old home, or the promise ring you got in high school.

11All you need is love and a dog

A selfie with your amazing dog (or cat).

12Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so

A selfie of you in your most professional outfit.

13The future is bright

A photo of the sunrise, if you get up that early! Or maybe a photo of those lights, if you work in film or professional photography. Or maybe even a photo of you holding a flashlight in the dark.

14Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Yes. Dumbledore said this in the Harry Potter books written by J.K. Rowling. This is such an inspirational quote even if it is from a fictional character.

15Because when you stop & look around, this life is pretty amazing

A photo of something common, that you see everyday and take a photo of it at an angle that makes it look unusual.

16Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons

A selfie of you doing something silly of course! Or of an actual flamingo.

17Some days I wish I could go back in life. Not to change anything, but to feel a few things twice.

Throwback Thursday material right here.

18You only fail when you stop trying

Perfect for any pretty photo. But, it would fit the most photos of you getting your high school or college degree, or doing something else you are proud of.

19Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile.

A selfie with your best friends of course! Or your pet animals. Next time you are celebrating with your friends get a picture with drinks in your hand, or looking down the bar or table with all of your loved ones, even without you in it.

20May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short

A picture of your perfectly manicured nails around your daily cup of caffeine! On a Monday of course.

21Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere.

This quote could go well with a really interesting or colorful door in your neighborhood. Just make sure not to get the address in the picture. Or maybe it could be the door to the job you lost five years ago, or a picture of the door to your first apartment.

22When you’re happy you enjoy the music. When you’re sad you understand the lyrics.

Perfect for a selfie of you with your big headphones, or of your musical instrument, or a piece of music you love.

23It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not

A gorgeous landscape picture, or a gorgeous landscape picture with you striking your best yoga pose in the forefront. Or to give you an extra boost of confidence take a selfie before you do something that makes you a little scared or worried.

24Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

A gorgeous selfie of you at your happiest and prettiest.

25When the roots are deep. There is no reason to fear the wind.

A family photo would be a tremendous option for this photo. Or of your church, your old college, or anything else that means a lot to you.

26The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.

This quote has the potential to show the world just what you are made of. This quote would go crazy good with a selfie of you after a crazy hard work out, the miles you ran on the treadmill, or a photo that represents a struggle you have been through. Maybe if you have gone through something hard publicly or something that your friends know about, this could be a great way to show the world that you are still the same person, only stronger.

27You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made

A photo of the new member of the family would compliment this quote so well. Or maybe a photo of your SO’s baby picture, or any throwback picture. Or just a nice photo of someone who means the world to you.

28I’m too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener

This would be perfect with a selfie of you looking like a boss. Or maybe if you are into gardening and have an awesome yard you could be literal with this quote. The saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side,” has been around for a very long time, and this new twist on it is great!

29Success is not a competition with the world, it’s a competition with yourself. When you can sit down in your own silence and feel truly amazing about yourself, you’ve won.

In your car, with your aviators, looking confident as possible! Or maybe a picture of your office, or of an award you just won. This quote shows that you are proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Show those haters you don’t care what they think.

30Let me photograph you in this light in case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were.

The one and only Adele sang this in her beautiful song, “When We Were Young.” These lyrics has the ability to fit with a variety of photos. Someone you love, somewhere you are leaving, or a scene from the last day on a vacation. Whatever you feel goes well with this quote, go for it.

31Have a little sparkle wherever you go

Sparkle your day and others’ with good vibes and positive daily motivation!

32I’m on a  seafood diet…

If you want to make your friends laugh, definitely go with this one!

33No rain no flowers

Without rain there are no flowers, no beauty, nothing to love. Only four words but with so much depth and meaning.

34Exhale the bullshit

 And inhale all the good stuff in your life!

35We got that Friday feelin’

What a cute way to send everyone good weekend vibes.

36And all at once summer collapsed into fall

Saying goodbye t summer and hello to fall and the holidays.

37Always better together

Great Instagram quote for Bffs selfies!

38#Foodie Selfie

For all you foodies out there, This would be a great caption to add to your dinner date post. Food isn’t just delicious to eat, it’s also delicious to look at!

39Reality called

A good selfie caption for those Monday mornings..

40Last Name, Hungry

Share this with your latest instagrammable breaky or lunch.

41Cupcakes are…

For all of you cupcake lovers out there!

42Life isn’t perfect..

This cute phrase would be great to add to your new outfit pic.

43My Hair Selfie

Share this caption with your new hairdo or blowout hair.

44Sending my selfie

If you’re looking for a witty and cute quote for your selfie.

45Somewhere else

In case you’re having a hard day at work…

46On top of the world!

For all the night owls out there.

47Hocus Pocus

Another awesome coffee quote o go with your Insta coffee pic!

48I could’ve eaten that…

Another funny quote you can share when you splurge on something photogenic with tones of calories.

49My Favorite color

Everyone loves sunsets! Share this cute quote with your latest sunset pic.

50More sunsets letss Netflix

Another sunset quote that would make for a great hashtag!

51Just Be Happy

Just be happy, be yourself and do your thing!

52I’m Just Gonna Sparkle

Fill your IG and cup of life with a little sparkle.

53Take the risk

This would be a great quote to share if you want to share something about not paying it safe and going outside your comfirt zone.

54Admire someone’s beauty

Love yourself! you’re beautiful!

55Feeling tropical

A great caption for your next beach vacation.

56Scrolling with my thumb

A funny and honest quote about our IG daily scrolling time..

57Lost in reality

A great caption for work day photo at the office.

58Sweeter than honey

You can use this caption for pretty much anything, from your favorite food pic to sweet moment pic with your bae.


A funny caption for those early Tuesday mornings.

60I dress to impress myself

Share this with your latest “outfit of the day’ IG pic.

61Alcohol you later

Tag our best buddies with this funny caption.

62Good times and tan lines

A sweet caption for those bikini selfies on the beach.

63Summer quote

Another great quote to share with sunny bright fun days outside.

64Stay Trippy

Tag your hippy friends on your next party selfie.

65Kind people are my kinda people

A happy “good vibes” quote to start the week with.

66Happier than a seagull

Share this if you’re on the beach and just having the best coconut drink and snacks.

67You are my favorite person

A caption for a cute photo with your bff.

68Keep it simple

A photo of a flower, or maybe a photo of a view, or asthetic items on your coffee table. The options are endless.

69Chocolate doesn’t ask silly questions

Funny caption for all the chocolate lovers out there.

70Life without Mexican food

Add this caption to your best tacos IG pic.

71I’m a Victoria Secret Model

It’s such a secret…

72I have ABS

A funny caption to add to a huge dessert picture.


Most of your friends will surely get this…

74Hungry, Again..

Another great and funny foodie caption.

75Bad Vibes

For all you Instagram fashionistas!

76May your weekend be long..

Great caption for a girls Saturday night out!

77Do it for yourself

We hope you’ve found your next IG quote or caption for your IG profile!



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