What Feminism Means to Me / By Genesis Sefian


There are five specific things that feminism means to me which encompass the following:

G irl power. Girl power means knowing that what I have to offer the world as a woman is significant and meaningful.
Girl power is empowering, enabling me to be all that I can be in order to make a difference in the world from which I take and to which I give back. When society wants to weaken me, as a feminist, I will rise up and be strong with confidence and competency.

This quote sums girl power up quite well: “A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” – Diane Mariechild, Author

I rresistibility. As the unknown author of this quote states, “Don’t be a woman that needs a man. Be a woman a man needs.”
Irresistibility is truly a feminine trait. When someone is irresistible, they are attractive not just because their hair is just right or their nails are prettily painted. Someone is attractive because their inner beauty exudes to even their outward appearance, making them truly irresistible.
Author Drishti Bablani put it best when she declared, “Intelligence is Attractive, Kindness is Heart Melting, But a combination of the two is Irresistible.”

R eal. A real woman is a feminist in the very essence of her being. This individual doesn’t put on pretenses or phony masks.
She can be seen and admired for who she truly is and doesn’t have anything to hide, whether or not her makeup is on or her clothes have a missing button. A real person is a feminist in the very core of her soul. “Be a woman of substance. Be a real woman. It is difficult to break down a real woman because she will learn from her mistakes, gather her strength from her struggle and overcome the obstacles courageously.” – Author unknown.

L iberated. A feminist in her true nature and calling is a liberated human being.
She is liberated from the drains of societal baggage that bring her down and make her incompetent to be an effective leader or even influential follower. Nelson Mandela encouraged that “As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” When women live out of fear, they are limited and powerless to promote change and be true to their calling. When, however, women work from a liberated point of view, they are free to live out their purpose, unhindered and unlimited in the scope of their influence and impact in this world.

S uccessful. Another unknown author reflects, “A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with bricks others have thrown at her.”
This reality is all too true! This is also why women are really resilient and so successful in everything they do whether personal or business. Success comes in many forms and in every arena of our lives. When a woman taps into her God-given powers, exudes her irresistible feminine charm, is real and unpretentious and acts out of her liberated being, she will be successful in her endeavors and her true, feminist heart will be revealed and received by a hungry, suppressed world that seeks a true woman’s experiences in life to lead the way. This is the way of the faithful feminist, one who gives a good name to women.

The G-I-R-L-S of our world have now been unleashed to lead the charge that a feminist is a girl with guts and a passionate, heart of gold.


Essay by: Genesis Sefian

Field of Study: Nursing
Institution: Azusa Pacific University

My name is Genesis. Genesis is the first book of the Bible and my folks named me Genesis to indicate that I am a first and God’s creation. In my case, I am the first born out of three girls. I have two younger sisters whom I love but tease mercilessly! I am currently a senior in high school and desire to be a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. I am a high achiever and an academic ace. I enjoy basketball, wrestling and martial arts (Krav Maga & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu). I am an accomplished musician who plays the flute and piccolo. I also learn languages and am currently mastering Spanish and working on Brazilian Portuguese. I have volunteered at my church for over the past two years to assist with the children. In my free time, I make soap from scratch and plan to sell my handmade goods to the public soon.

ⒸGirlterest Scholarship Program 2016


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