35 Daughter Quotes: Mother Daughter Quotes



35 Daughter Quotes: Mother Daughter Quotes

Oh, mothers and daughters, oh the volumes you could write about that bond! It’s so strong, and so fraught, and so special, you could write books and music and make art and films about it forever, and somehow, there would still be more to say. We don’t claim that any of these quotes say everything that there is to be said about mothers and daughters, but they all say a little something, and might help you put your feelings into words the next time you want to pay homage to your daughter, or your mom.

1My mom worked way too hard for me to not be great.

This is a great one for the moment you need a little boost. Your mom is the best, and she put up with you at every age. Don’t let her hard work go to waste!

2On the darkest day, when I feel inadequate, unloved, and unworthy, I remember whose daughter I am and I straighten my crown.

Do you remember looking up to your mom as a little girl and thinking she was beautiful and strong and everything a woman could and should be? Hold on to that, and recognize that if your mother is a queen, you’re a special lady, too.

3Quotes to your daughter: You’re my favorite work of art.

Your favorite work of art, and you made her. Like art, she’s complex and stunning and hits you right in the heart.

4Sometimes when I need a miracle, I look into my daughter’s eyes, and I realize I’ve already created one.

How lucky are you? You get to be in the presence of a miracle- your daughter- and know you’re responsible for her existence, her grace, and her class. Be proud…of both of you!

5If you have ever done me wrong just know my mom knows and she doesn’t like you.

I wish I had the space in this article to tell you the wonderful tale of, “How Jessica’s Mom Got Back at a Boy Who Bullied Jessica In High School” but I don’t. Anyway, I’m sure your mom would do the same for you.

6I get it from my mama.

Stay humble, girl. Give credit where it’s due.

7Quotes to your daughter: A daughter is God’s way of saying, “Thought you could use a lifelong friend.”

Yes, you probably fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but who knows you better than your daughter, who loves you more? Who has seen you in every situation and never ever once considered turning her back on you?

8My life may not be a fairy tale, but my daughter is my princess.

We all have to accept that life is not perfect, but there are certain things nobody can take away from us. Love for the people closest to us is one of them. And by the way, if your daughter is a princess, that makes you the queen.

9As for my girls, I’ll raise them to think they breathe fire.

– Jessica Kirkland

It’s not fair, but raising girls is extra tough because you know what they’ll be up against as women. The most awesome, loving thing you can do for your daughter is teach her, from day one, that she’s stronger and fiercer than all of that.

10Do your squats, eat your vegetables, wear red lipstick, and don’t let boys be mean to you.

Mothers and daughters tend to disagree on a lot. So, here’s some bulletproof advice I’m sure you can both agree on.

11Mama: the glue that holds everything together even when she feels like she may fall apart.

No matter where your daughter is in life, in her hardest moments, she’ll turn to you. And no matter what, you’ll be there for her.

12I did not give you the gift of life, life gave me the gift of you.

They say life is forever changed once you have a child. Yes, you raise them and give them so much, but having a child in your life, the joy, the challenge, the bond: that’s something given to you.

13No daughter and mother ever live apart, no matter what the distance between them.

– Christie Watson

Mothers and daughters share a special bond, and influence each other so much. No matter where they go, they each carry the other with them in thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

14I am your biggest fan. I am your protector. I will always defend you.

I will get angry. I will get frustrated. I will be proud of you. I will be your confidant. I will love you unconditionally because forever and always, I am your mom.

Can you ever really understand what your mother feels and goes through for you, her daughter? And mom- can you find the words to explain how hard and intense it can be, and still how much you love her? These simple but powerful ones may help.

15All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my mother.

– Abraham Lincoln

Abe Lincoln: vintage mom fan. That’s a ringing endorsement for moms everywhere.

16My daughter is super awesome and I’m the lucky one because I to get to be her momma.

This quote is perfect for awesome moms with humble daughters who don’t give themselves enough credit. Everyone she knows is lucky to have her, but you’re the luckiest of all of them, aren’t you?

17Your birthday is the happiest day of my life.

It was a day your life changes forever and she took up permanent residence in your heart. Every day that followed was different for it. One of your favorite people in the world showed up on that day. That’s definitely deserving of the title “happiest day of your life.”

18My mother is the bones of my spine, keeping me straight and true…

…She is my blood, making sure it runs rich and strong. She is the beating of my heart. I cannot imagine a life without her. -Kristin Hannah
Like honest Abe said, everything you are, you owe to your mother and how she raised you. Use this quote to tell the world all the things your mother has done for you.

19She has fire in her soul and grace in her heart.

Mothers and daughters both!

20Dear Mom, I get it now.

Fess up, daughters: how many times did you freak out on your mom growing up because she wouldn’t let you do some stupid thing, or grounded you for doing some stupid thing, or accused her of being stupid or not understanding? Probably a whole lot. How many times did she tell you, “You’ll understand when you’re older,” and how many times did that drive you nuts? Many times, every time. And now you’re older, and you totally get it. Oh, dear daughters of the world, this is one your mom has been waiting to hear for a long time. Tell her.

21Mom: a title just above queen.

Enough said!

22A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.

Your mom is your caretaker, your teacher, your friend, your confidant, and so much more. She’s there for you in every way, for your every need, and she occupies a very special place in your life. But no one else can be your mom.

23When life gets hard and you feel all alone, remember you mean the world to somebody, and that somebody calls you mom.

Daughters, it’s true: the most amazing woman in the world, your mom, feels bad about herself sometimes. Hard to believe, isn’t it? When she does, remind her of this.

24I constantly go between wanting you to be my baby forever, and being excited about all the amazing things you’ll do in this life.

This must be hard. They say time flies and that parents should treasure every moment of their child’s early years because they’ll be gone in a flash, but there’s os much to look forward to. Moms: your daughters are gonna be awesome.

25You are loved for the little girl you were, for the special woman you are, and the precious daughter you will always be.

And in the same vein, no matter how she changes, what sort of person she becomes, one thing is permanent: she’s your daughter.

26I want my daughter to grow up to be a strong woman. I just need to be able to live with her in the meantime.

I’m convinced my mom said this. I’m positive. Sorry, Mama Jessica. But thanks for putting up with me so I could be such a strong, self-reliant woman.

27There will be so many times you feel like you’ve failed. But in the eyes, heart, and mind of your child, you are Super Mom.

Moms everywhere: you’re superheroes, every last one of you, despite anything you think is a shortcoming, despite anything you could have done better. Even Superman had his kryptonite.

28Life is tough my darling, but so are you.

-Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Your daughter will need to be reminded of this many, many times. Growing up is a process, a hard one, and now that you’ve made it through and had a child of your own, remind her as often as you can that she’ll get through it.

29Her laughter is infection. Her smile always makes me shed a tear. Her heart is true and pure. But what I cherish most is that she is my daughter.

Your daughter is the coolest, most awesome girl ever, and you get to take some credit for that. Good deal.

30I never want her to think that the whole world revolves around her. But I want her to know, without a doubt, that my whole world does.

It’s a delicate balance, for someone to be humble and grounded but also know she is, without a doubt, loved to the moon and back. It’s one you definitely want to strike in raising your daughter, and moms, I know you’re all up to the task.

31My little girl yesterday, my friend today, my daughter forever.

Isn’t it awesome that your daughter turns into a woman you get to call a dear friend? Dear friend though she may be, she’s always going to be something more than anyone else in your life: your daughter.

32Never make fun of having to help me with computer stuff. I taught you how to use a spoon.

Just in case your daughter needs a little reality check and a hand as she gets off her high horse.

33Though she be but little, she is fierce.

-William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Your daughter, from the time she learns to walk and talk, will be a mighty little thing in a tiny package, thanks to you.

34Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.

And it’s a good thing life doesn’t come from a manual, because when was the last time you actually consulted a manual? Never. You consulted your mom, on everything from how to tweeze your eyebrows to how to put together the furniture you got for your first big-girl apartment.

35Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world, a mother’s love is not.

-James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Ending this list on a classy note (because I’m a book nerd and say what you will, he’s one of the greatest writers ever to work in the English language). Indelicate words, but like a mother’s love, definitely true and sure and timeless and undeniable.

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